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How to Approach a Woman
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Imagine that you’re approaching a gorgeous girl or woman at a private party you attend.
You notice that she’s not wearing a ring and that she talks to her friends.
She looks at you and smiles. She even winks her eyes at you.
Naturally, you start to think that maybe she’s into you. You could easily imagine how life would be with her, as your girlfriend.
Then you start to think.
Suddenly, you become a bit hesitant, and the question that pops up in your head is: How should I approach her? What should I say? What should I do to get her attention?
This scenario happened to a friend of mine quite recently.
He noticed a beautiful girl at a bar, and his first intention was to ask if he could buy her a drink.
But he became hesitant, and this made him procrastinate.
He thought that he could do it a bit later, just a bit.
Then doubts were settling in.
He started to think that maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t into him. Maybe, he wasn’t her type. Perhaps he would make a fool out of himself and become the laughing stock of her and her girlfriends.
So he never asked her, he allowed the opportunity to pass by him, and he rushed out of the bar and went home.
In essence: He never got a chance to get this beautiful girl as his girlfriend.
Hesitation leads to fear of rejection; rejection leads to procrastination, and procrastination leads to failure.
[Tweet: “Hesitation leads to fear of rejection, fear of rejection leads to procrastination, and procrastination leads to failure. – Dating Coach Rickard #quote”]
Change Your Approach to Women Tonight and Don’t Let Her Slip Away from You*
Women and gorgeous women have this creepy intuition that tells her if a guy is into her or not.
We, as men, are always afraid of becoming ridiculed and humiliated when she laughs at us, straight in our faces, don’t we?
However, most women won’t reject you or be as rude as we quite often imagine.
Most women will respond in a neutral or somewhat positive manner since they will be flattered by your attention.
It is, in fact, the good part.
Women love body language and have turned to read someone’s intention based on body language, an actual art form.
Women judge men by watching their behavior and body language closely.
For this reason, I recommend a healthy dose of self-confidence.
Not being too ego-centric and not being too shy, keep it balanced!
Use these five simple steps to boost your self-confidence now.
One of the best ways to avoid Hesitation is to act immediately.
If you have asked for her phone number and got it, call her!
I do mean, right there on the spot. Because then you will shift the position of power from her to you.
You will know if she has given you the correct phone number if you do that.
If her phone rings, she needs to pick up her phone and answer it.
If her phone doesn’t ring, tell her that you have called her bluff.
If you act shy and hesitant, you will end up in the friend zone.
To avoid this, act confidently since this is one of the things that women are attracted to in men.
You also need to smell fresh and look clean. Breath mints might be good.
Don’t take things for granted or assume certain things in advance. Just approach the woman and start to talk to her nicely.
But here’s the most critical advice you’ll read today:
Whatever you do, don’t keep ranting about things or keep endless monologues because these will not only bore her, they will also blow your chances of dating her.

How to Flirt with a Girl
Flirting is a natural art form.
It’s not just winking with your eyes, and it’s so much more.
Then there is something we need to address straight away: Two ways to flirt with a girl, and there is the right way or the wrong way.
Start by asking her something entirely innocent like: Is it a new perfume? You smell excellent today. If you want to impress her, you can use this line: Oh! You’ve got a new haircut! It suits you.
I strongly advise that you use these pickup lines to make her smile as well as for inspiration.
Flirting isn’t just winking. It’s so much more.
It’s body language, which I already discussed that women are noticing before in this article.
Don’t just look at a woman and think that she’s attractive. It will freak her out and blow any chance you might have had to get her out on a date.
You can use flirting with creating attraction, but you can also use it to keep interested.
[Tweet “You Can Use Flirting to Create Attraction As Well As Keeping Someone Attracted to You #DatingTips #DatingAdvice]
The video that I am linking to below discusses a simple method to create instant attraction in a girl without being creepy:
How to Flirt and Keep Her Attracted to You Without Being Creepy*
My 5 Best Flirting Tips
Start small. Ask something friendly but make the woman wonder why you are asking her that. It helps create intrigue in her and interest in you.
Be the best man you can be. Do you remember my tips about breath mints? Stay clean and smell good, and women will like seeing you a lot more.
Let’s turn the tables for a while: Would you hang out with a girl, even if she’s just your friend that would smell like she came straight out of the gym? Probably not, right? Women feel the same way.
Make her smile. Humor and honesty are what you should use to start the process of attracting her to you.
It doesn’t matter if you want to stay friends with her or have a romantic relationship. Girls love to smile and laugh.
We do like it when she smiles, don’t we? This makes her look more beautiful, right?
Teasing is fantastic, and sarcasm works too. But teasing the woman is what will make her realize that you’re more into her than she might have thought.
But teasing is what tells her, on a subconscious level, that you want to escape the friend zone and be her boyfriend.
All the tips I have shared with you above are the HIT formula, right?
If you want to get a girl, you need to have the right mindset.
Ask her out often and find excuses to hang out with her.
It doesn’t necessarily need to be a fancy dinner date every night. Even ice cream or another light meal works just as fine.
To help you get some inspiration, I suggest that you read about the 300 inexpensive first date ideas. You can even use them for just “hanging out” with your female friend.
Remember: Dating is not a fast lap. It’s a marathon!
My fifth and final advice would be to touch her, and I don’t mean creepily. Just trying to hold her hand or borrow your jacket if she’s cold will make her think you’re a great friend.
To summarize the five tips:
- Talk friendly to her and remember to compliment her.
- Be the best man you can be.
- Make her smile and laugh.
- Ask her out often.
- Touch her in the way she wants to be touched and treat her like a lady.
To get a female friend to become your girlfriend, you need to know how to do it the right way, right?

The video will share an easy way to get unstuck and get out of the friend zone:
Don’t Allow Her to Get Away, Get Her Out on a Date!*
Next Article
My next article will discuss specific changes that will take effect next week.
Have a lovely weekend,
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