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Below you will find some of the funniest shit you can send to girls (pardon my French) that might help you get the girl of your dreams, the girl you already desire, or a random girl you just met.
I can, of course, not guarantee that they will work on every girl you meet since she might have a weird sense of humor.
Hilarious Pickup Lines
In one of my previous articles, I wrote about funny Christian pickup lines, and in this article, I will share some insights about general pickup lines that are very funny indeed.
I hope you will read this article through, and when you end it, you will notice that you have a smile on your face.
If it did, don’t be shy but hit that share button above or at the end.
There’s nothing more significant than sharing a laugh.
Before I start, I would like to emphasize that humor is essential in all humans and romantic relationships.
With this being stated again, I will give you seven funny pickup lines in this article, and if you want to share your funniest pickup lines (or those that made you laugh), you are welcome to do so by leaving a comment below.
Let’s start…

Do you like the bee and leave? No, that’s not a fun pickup line! Below you will see seven more…
7 Funny Pickup Lines
As promised, I will give you seven funny pickup lines to use.
I can’t guarantee that they will work.
I think humor is one of the keys to getting the girl or at least getting her out on a date.
I have spent hours collecting the seven that I thought was the funniest, and these are the pickup lines for men who want to hit on women:
- You look ill. You must be suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.
- If God made anything more beautiful than you, I’m sure He kept it for himself.
- Are you an angel? Cause I’m allergic to feathers (fake sneeze)
- Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
- Guess what I’m wearing? The smile you gave me.
- If you were a celestial body, you would be the sun. Because you’re hot and the center of this room.
- Girl, you make curves great again.
I hope you enjoy these examples.
I recommend reading my article about funny Christian pick up lines if you want more.
Why Use Pickup Lines At All?
The whole reason for using pickup lines is to get a date. We hope they will work.
Unfortunately, the truth is that most of them don’t work.
Do you know why?
Because she had already heard most of them.
Here is what I really would like you to think about.
If a woman would say something like the pickup lines above, would it work on you? Probably not!
You might laugh, which is why I brought up this topic.
So now that we have clarified that they might make someone else laugh.
How would it make you feel?
Probably humiliated or a bit shameful.
I don’t want to end this article with many negative feelings.
What I would like you to do is to know that there is a solution to these problems.
First, you must understand that pickup lines are just a way of starting a conversation.
Many men want to use them instead of walking up to a woman and saying: “Hi! My name is (insert your name). What are yours?”
Is this more effective than pickup lines? Absolutely.
Because it’s honest, and this is one of the things women like.
As I wrote in a previous article, women also like attractive men.
So, how can you become an attractive man?
By learning exactly how attraction works and understanding what attracts a woman to a man.
There are three things or secrets that most men do not know about attraction.
These three secrets are revealed here.
I am sure that you have tried cheezy pickup lines or buying her drinks and stuff you probably have read on other blogs or got “advice” from a well-meaning friend or, God forbid, paid another dating coach or “pickup artist” who then gave you these “tips” that quite frankly do not work.
Do women accept free drinks?
Yes, most of them do that.
Because it’s free, women who have no interest in you will accept that you are buying them drinks!
There is, however, a better way of doing it.
So you wish to know the secret of making any woman want you whenever you want.
Are you ready for a mind-blowing secret?
Can you handle it?
Okay, here is the secret to getting a woman to want you whenever you want.
In the rest of the articles this month, I will discuss a real favorite topic of mine, first dates.
After all, we do all of these “mind-tricks” and “play games” to get a date, and first dates are significant, but so are the follow-up dates too.
The best thing to do is to get her out on a first date.
Next Article
My next article will be published on the 16th of September, 2017.
It will discuss how to ask her out on a first date.
Note: Some of this article’s links are sponsored, and I will get a small monetary compensation if you buy the featured product.
Have a great week,
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