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How to Get Her Phone Number
As a response to public demand, I decided to write this article.
Every week I get tons of emails asking me every possible question about dating and relationships or reviewing a specific dating product.
One of the most common questions is what a guy must do to get a hot woman’s phone number.
I have finally found the time necessary to write this article, and I hope you enjoy it and find the helpful information.
If you would like to learn more about approaching a girl and getting her number, you can sign up for my email course that is 100% free, and share some of the best tactics you need.

Some guys prefer online dating while other guys prefer dating “in real life” and are out every weekend in pubs, clubs, bars, and other establishments where they meet attractive young women and want to ask that specific girl for her phone number.
It is a question that is as old as the phone or rather the landline.
I can still remember when I was about five years old and was visiting my grandmother on a Saturday.
She picked up the phone and told some poor guy at the other end of the line that the girl he was asking for wasn’t there and that she had given him the wrong number before she hung upon him.
The same thing happened to me about a decade ago.
Some guy asked me if there were a woman named X and if she was present. I told him that he had got the wrong number and hung up the phone.
I felt sorry for him but very happy that I was honest and truthful (compared to her anyway).
If you don’t get her phone number and meet her in real life, how should you text her or ask her out on a date?
When you get a girl’s phone number, your window of opportunity shrinks very fast. There is no “golden rule” or rule of thumb for when you should text her.
I would instead suggest that you do it ASAP.
But how should you get her phone number in the first place?
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There are five simple steps you should follow:
- Calm down and relax. What’s the worst thing that can happen? That you don’t get her number, right? Accept that this is a possibility until you have got her number and know her a bit too.
- Confidence matters. Make sure that your self-esteem is high. Everybody, men and women alike, loves self-esteem in other human beings. It’s also one of the personality traits ranked very high when single men and women list the personality traits they value the most in a romantic partner. You can boost your self-esteem in 5 simple steps by reading and implementing the tips I share with you. Remember to talk with her in a low-pitch voice.
- Be friendly and polite to her. It’s not bad if she mentally puts you in the friend zone first. It will help you get her number more efficiently, and you will not be seen as a complete jerk by neither her nor her friends. Talk a bit about her and get to know her. Be interested in her and ask her questions about herself and her interests.
- Make her laugh and feel good about herself. Women of all ages love this, and it will make her more relaxed too, and she will be more willing to give you her number.
- Ask her for her phone number. Excuse yourself with something like: I have to go over to my friend who’s sitting right over there (point to wherever your friend is), but I would like to continue this conversation later. Can I get your number, please? Here, you can type it into my phone (hand her your phone and let her type it in).
Sign up for my email course if you want more tips on what to say to a girl to get her number.
Get Her Phone Number
Now, that was just one way of doing it.
I have found a great book that I will share with everybody who signs up for my email course for free that will teach you how to get her number.
It is written by a guy named Race DePriest.
This book will teach you how to get a girl to give you her number:
- at work
- at bars, parties, and other social events
- online
- on phone calls
- over text
I have to admit that I was shocked when I read it myself.
It shares some of the best-proven techniques to get a girl’s number without using sleazy pick up lines or sexting. If you prefer that, you might be better off using the scrambler technique, which I discussed in a previous article on this blog.
For this reason, I highly recommend that you sign up and learn how to get her number.
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After You Get Her Number
What should you do after you get her number? Simple! Ask her out on a date.
The book will also teach you how to ask her out on a date.
If that is something you want to know more about, then his book will be the right fit for you.
Next Article
My next article will discuss the five things that matter most in dating.
Have a great day,
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