How Do I Win a Woman’s Heart?




how do i win a woman's heart


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There are many different ways to raise the bar when it comes to catching the eyes and eventually (hopefully) the heart of that “perfect girl” for you.

The surprising part about it, and the part you need to understand, is that almost none of those ways are verbal. 

That’s not to say that you should never open your mouth—unless it’s been a little while since the last time you were acquainted with a toothbrush—because you should.

The things you say are essential too, but quite often, what you do and how you present yourself are the things that get you across the finish line.

I will share a couple of helpful tips with you on how to win her heart throughout this article.

There’s no such thing as a listicle of ways to win a woman’s heart, and we’ll leave that up to the clickbait blogs that have no fundamental understanding of human social dynamics.

I am not going to serenade you with a list of “ways.”

I will lay out the foundation because there’s honestly only one way to win a woman’s heart, and that is to know her. 

Confidence Is Key

As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and knowing your strengths and weaknesses parallels your ability to know and understand others.

Women aren’t looking for humility, laziness, lack of willpower, and lack of ambition. 

She’s looking for confidence, and much more goes into the trust than just the Google search definition of the word.

  • Self-assuredness
  • Assertiveness
  • Goal-oriented
  • Dominant personality

Of course, none of these things equate to arrogance or a false sense of superiority.

Even your very posture emits either confidence or skittishness. Keep your back and shoulders straight.

Speak to her eyes and not to her shoulder.

Smile and be at ease with yourself. Of course, it’s difficult with your heart pounding and your mind racing but, guess what?

She’s aware of your inner struggle and your ability to assert yourself. Your confidence will overcome your fears and trepidations, and that will go a long way with her. The law of first impressions holds here, so make the best of it.

If you want more information about how confidence matters to winning her heart, read this article.

It’s Not All About Her, But Much Of It Is

Be honest with yourself; if you’re not interested in the things which interest her, then there’s no sense in pursuing this further.

If you are, then act like it. Be attentive.

You’ll score more points if you remember a particular subject she mentioned yesterday than you will if she catches you looking at your phone while she’s talking about something important to her. 

It is a classic case of “the devil is in the details.”

It’s the small things that matter, deeply embedded within your conversations.

It doesn’t mean that you have to be solidly enraptured every time her mouth opens.

But it does mean that her perception of you is founded on your confidence and whether or not she believes you’re interested in a single thing that she has to say.

Casually remark on her day. Compliment her. But most importantly, engage in your conversations with her.

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Humor Is The Fast-Track To Her Heart

Most women don’t prefer placid, humorless, monotonous men.

It’s time to find your funny bone.

There’s a uniqueness about humor that doesn’t come from memorized, raunchy jokes. It’s an ingrained habit, and it takes real work to weave humor into everyday conversations.

Most people refer to it as being witty, but it boils down to finding her sense of hilarity and melding it into your everyday dialogue with her. Maybe her humor is dark and crude, perhaps it’s light and cheerful, or it reaches perhaps grab your gut and hold onto your bladder levels.

Regardless of what it is, intermingle it throughout your conversations but don’t overdo it.

Men love sexist jokes, and we do, and it doesn’t make us inherently sexist. However, don’t lead with that sort of thing unless she’s the kind that loves to go toe-to-toe in that arena.

The most important thing is to make her laugh.

If she’s laughing, that means she’s not crying into her pillow every time your name lights up on her smartphone. 

In this article, I cover how you can use humor to attract her through text messages.

Don’t Fall For The “Be Vulnerable” Trap

It isn’t meant as a not-so-subtle suggestion for you to be close-minded, lack communication, and never talk about anything emotional. 

If you read listicles on how to win a woman’s heart, you’ll almost always run into the “be vulnerable” item or the “show your vulnerable or emotional side.” For all that is holy in this universe, don’t be that guy.

Women claim that they want it, but they don’t, and although you’ll forever be labeled as the good guy, she’ll bolt after she’s had her fill with your “vulnerabilities.” Blogs say that women seek it, and science says that they don’t. We’ll take Science for $800, Alex. 

Of course, you can take it too far in the reverse direction as well, by walling yourself off and not communicating, and that will doom you every bit as much as the opposite. Communicate, but don’t be vulnerable.

As aforementioned, women seek confident men, and vulnerability isn’t found in the definition of secure. 

However, you do need to be an effective communicator. Most times, when she’s ranting about a bad day at work, all she wants you to do is listen and be there. So do both and do it well. 

make her crave you

Grooming Is Everything

Honestly, this should have been higher up in the article. First impressions are everything, as they say. Women like a man who knows how to take care of himself. She’s going to size you up in a tenth of a second—no, we’re not kidding—and that includes your disheveled, dumpster fire appearance. 

We would say to shave, but women seem to like that 5 o’clock shadow, so keep it neat. If you’re the kind of guy that grows facial hair in patches, shave. 

Don’t forget to smell nice. A couple of sprays from a quality cologne that doesn’t say “automobile freshener” on the bottle is fine.

According to Science Daily, women prefer men with scented deodorant

Wear your best clothes. In other words, dress to impress because she will decide whether to give you the time of day or go through the motions until the date is over very quickly. 

Here are some more tips on how you can dress to increase your success with women.

All Things Considered

Nothing is foolproof, and every woman is unique from the next. However, the above are the foundation for how you win a woman’s heart.

You’re never going to make it past the starting line if you can’t master the advice here.

But, most importantly, be yourself but show confidence. Take your time getting ready to see her. Listen to her conversation and look her in the eyes. Show her a splash of your humorous side and—perhaps even more importantly—dress to impress.

Trust me, she’ll notice.

To your success,


Further Reading

If you want to read more, here are 3 resources you might find helpful:

  1. What Women Really Want? Why Women Want Confident Men.
  2. Women find men more masculine when wearing deodorant.
  3. What Makes Her Want You

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