How Do You Approach Women?




how do i approach women, how do you approach women


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How do I approach women? It is one of the most common questions from some of my male clients, especially the shy ones.

Some men are so shy that they lack the confidence to approach an attractive woman immediately.

In this article, I will explain why you must do it and share one of the best methods to help you approach your crush without saying anything.

Here are all the things I will discuss throughout this article:

  • Why your confidence matters and how to pump up your self-esteem fast
  • Why you must pursue her first
  • How to approach females fast
  • The easiest ways to approach women
  • The best method to approach her and make her into your girlfriend without saying anything

If you want to know all the details on approaching women, please continue to read this article below.

Why Your Confidence Matters When You Approach Her

If you have a romantic interest in her and want to approach her, chances are pretty slim that she hasn’t already noticed you.

Women know you are attracted to them before you do, and they want you to pursue them.

A woman who notices it and wants you to chase after her will “encourage” you to pursue her, and she might even play a bit hard to get, so you don’t think she is accessible.

She doesn’t want you to think evil thoughts about her if she likes you already.

If you have no confidence in approaching women, it will be challenging, but the good thing is that it’s not impossible and that there is an easy way to boost your self-confidence and approach any woman you desire.

You see, women are attracted to men who have a lot of self-esteem.

If you are shy, chances are that you will become ever shyer around women you find attractive. You will have a hard time approaching her.

Women hate it when it happens, so what can you do?

The easiest way to boost your self-esteem is by looking at yourself in a mirror and telling yourself that you are a fantastic guy who she should be happy to have as a boyfriend.

But why do you need to pursue her in the first place, you might wonder.

man looking at himself in the mirror

Why You Must Pursue Her First

Unfortunately, women want you to approach and pursue them.

Even if some women want to chase after you, it will seem quite desperate to most women, and they prefer that you approach them first.

Most women, even today, still want you to take the first step.

If you wait too long, she will get tired of waiting on you to get courageous enough to approach her and start to make your move on her.

She will start flirting with other guys when she gets tired of waiting and forget about you.

If you have low self-esteem, recently suffered from a breakup, have social anxiety, or are a bit shy, it will be harder to approach women you find attractive.

As I already told you, it is not the words you say but the energy you display that will attract her to you.

The best way to approach her is with the unique energy that attracts a woman naturally to a man, which my friend Kate discusses in the video below.

By doing what it suggests, you will never risk her getting tired of waiting on you.

how to turn her on

Watching the video is free. I will earn a small commission from the featured product at no extra cost if you purchase the featured product.

How Do I Approach Women Fast?

If you notice that she encourages you when you try to approach her, you need to act fast.

Unfortunately, most women will lose interest in you if you wait and think she will approach you if you keep waiting.

Instead, she will get tired of waiting and start to look for another man.

The fastest way to approach a woman is to walk up to her, say a particular set of words, and get her out on a date.

However, if you’re shy, that will pose a significant challenge to you.

For shy guys, I recommend you approach women more gently and follow the recommendations I shared in my article “How Shy Guys Should Approach Women.”

That article will cover how you should approach women if you’re a shy person.

The Easiest Way to Approach Women

How do you approach women almost effortlessly?

The most honest answer is that it depends on how you meet her, and today there are three common ways to approach women that are slightly different, but all of them work.

You can meet women online or offline these days, and the physical distance between you will help you decide which approach works best for you. Your way of approaching her will differ depending on how close she lives to you; the farther, the more video and text chatting is required.

Here is the easiest way to approach women online and offline.

In that article, I share not one but three different ways of approaching women, depending on how you meet them and the best ways of approaching them.

That will help you boost your confidence, approach women, and act naturally around them.

If you don’t act natural when you try to approach a woman you find attractive will be intimidated and lose interest in you. If you know the secret non-verbal communication skill I will discuss next, you will have no issues repelling her when you approach women.

man smiling at himself looking into the mirror

The Best Method Approaching Women Without Talking

Is this the best method to approach women?

Yes, if you like to not talk with her face-to-face, or she lives far from you, you need to approach her using this non-verbal communication skill.

Did you know that non-verbal communication makes up 60-80% of all communication between humans?

So, even if you don’t suffer from a social anxiety disorder or are a shy person, you may still benefit from using this silent communication skill to approach her and make her lust for you.

how to make her chase you, the obsession method, make my girlfriend chase me

It will help you get her out on a date and, hopefully, turn her into your girlfriend fast.

By learning the “secret language” that Kate Spring discusses in the video above, you will get the best approach to women you find attractive without intimidating them.

How Do I Approach Women?

As I already told you, the best way to approach a woman depends on how you meet her.

If you meet her online, there is one approach that will work better for you than the others, and vice versa, and the physical distance you have between you will also have an impact since the longer it is, the harder it will be for you to see her.

Most guys find it quite challenging to approach women they find attractive.

If you suffer from social anxiety or low self-esteem or are shyer than other guys your age, it might seem like an impossible task since you need to struggle with yourself too.

However, there is an easy fix to do it.

Even if we don’t suffer from these conditions, most of us still have difficulty approaching attractive women, making us less successful in getting them out on dates.

Luckily, there is an easy way to fix it.

All you need to do is to learn the “secret language” that makes any woman feel attracted to you the second you approach her and will give you the energy and confidence to ask her out on a date ASAP.

The best part is that a woman will teach you why body language makes her crave you.

make her crave you

Watching the video is free. I will earn a small commission from the featured product at no extra cost if you purchase the featured product.

If you want to do a bit more research before you watch the video, here are seven articles that other guys in your situation found helpful.

What to Do When You Have No Confidence in Women

5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Confidence Fast

How Shy Guys Should Approach Women

The Simple Secret to Turn a Woman on Without Talking

3 Best Ways to Approach Women That Works

I Can’t Get a Girlfriend – What to Do to Change Your “Luck” with Women

How to Talk to Women

Happy dating, and best of luck!


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