How do you know you found your Soulmate?




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Many clients that I work with often ask me the question, “How would I know if he is my soulmate”

And I tell them, “You would hear music in you ears and you would see a rainbow with unicorn on his/her head.” 

No!!! That’s not true I am just kidding!!!

So let’s just understand “What is a Soulmate?”

A general meaning of soulmate is any person with whom you have shared a lifetime together. 

Each one of us has a set of soul families, which reincarnate during various lifetimes and we share special bond with this soul family. Members of this soul family which reincarnate with us(in order to integrate specific lessons about love, forgiveness, patience, trust and so on) are called soulmates. It’s an agreement to reincarnate with another soula, in order to learn, grow through that relationship. So, soulmates can be your mother, brother or mother, a lover, or even a friend. However, here I am referring a soulmate in context to the romantic relationship.

For those who might not buy the concept of rebirth or reincarnation, we can define soulmate as someone you feel deeply connected with or someone with whom it just clicks, or a made for eachother kind of a relationship.

So here are the 7 ways to know if he/she is your soulmate.

  1. Instant Connection

Even though you might have met the person for the first time, there is a feeling as if you have met them before. You might even ask them, “Have we met before”, as being with them seems so familiar. There is a sense of instant recognition, which might energetic rather than physical. And because of this one might also experience a strange sense of comfort inspite of the first encounter.

  1. You keep coming together in mysterious ways

My soulmate and I knew eachother since our high school, and then we parted ways to pursue higher education, however we met again after a decade, to be friends again and then fell in love. It’s been 10yrs of our marriage, and have build a family with two amazing kids. 

If you keep coming back to the same person again and again, without you making an active effort, in weird ways, consider it a sign.

3.) You have a lot in common

I have often seen soulmates have similar life paths or soul purpose, or have a higher purpose together that they have to serve and hence are brought together.

It can be as simple as, exploring the world, or spirituality, or self growth or could even be building a business together. Like one my clients, was super interested in having a organic, clean lifestyle and living on a farm, when she met her partner he wanted to have a poultry farm and live in the country side. Together they build a life that was in sync with nature leaving behind minimum carbon imprint.

4.) You feel at “Home”

If you feel so comfortable that you never ever have to put up any mask for your partner then consider it as a soulmate relationship. 

If it feels safe and secure to be around them, and be your most authentic, real self, consider it as a sign.

5.) You are in sync

You know eachother so well and are sync in each other’s energy that you might not even need words to describe how you are feeling as they just get it.

It’s like when you are in a party with friends and by just looking at eachother, you know that it’s boring to be here and you just want to get out of there.

It can be also like finishing each other’s sentences or speaking the same ideas at the same time.

6.) They inspire you to be the best version of yourself

Soulmates can often be a trigger and act as a mirror to your own wounds and trauma.However, this is only because at a soul level they have a contract to help you grow and evolve and become the best version of their own self.

It’s doesnt necessarily have to a trigger for you, since just them being around you would inspire you to grow with the love and support. And, the same way you would contribute for them to become the best versions of themselves.

7.) Ask for sign from the universe

 This technique has worked for many of my clients. You just have to put out an intention and ask the universe to show you a sign, that he/she is my soulmate, in the way you understand.

“Universe show me sign if he/she is my soulmate in ways I can understand” 

It can simply be like, “I want to see a golden heart symbol in next three days if he/she is my soulmate, or I want to see a white pigeon if he/she is my soulmate.

Just ask for a sign and you shall receive.

Falak Shaikh

Relationship Coach |Author |Healer

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