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Everybody wants to hear that they are intelligent.
It is something innately human, and more importantly, you want to hear it from the person that matters the most to you, the person you’re dating.
However, intelligence isn’t just brainpower.
There is much more to it than meets the eye, and it’s not just a smart person.
Below, I will cover three different kinds of intelligence.
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Intelligence Is More Than Just Being Smart
What is it that we mean when we call someone intelligent?
You can be as smart as you want, but if you don’t know how to use your knowledge appropriately, it won’t matter.
So, you need to be smart in the right way when you’re dating.
I discussed intelligence from a dating perspective in this article on this blog.

I will now go deeper into one of the most important things in dating.
I have discussed briefly in my article, where I covered how singles can date with both intelligence and dignity.
Intelligence Varies Between Humans
The truth is that intelligence is different and varies in humanity as a whole.
Not everyone is as smart as Stephen Hawking, or Albert Einstein, but as you soon will realize, this is just one kind of intelligence that I am referring to.
As you soon will understand, this isn’t the kind of intelligence that matters the most in a romantic relationship, or when you’re dating somebody since there are other things that matter more to the person you’re dating.
There is only one kind of intelligence that is measurable.
The other two kinds of intelligence that I will address in this article, are much harder to measure, and can’t be as thoroughly tested as the first kind.
There is one thing that can make it easier for you to date if you’re smart.
IQ Is the Only Measurable Kind of Intelligence
If you would like to measure intelligence, you can do that with the help of intelligence quotient, often abbreviated as IQ.
This is what I refer to as measurable (or academic) intelligence.
You can do an IQ-test and get a result which you can use as a reference to the rest of the world’s populace.
Depending on your results, it might help you to gain more self-confidence.
This kind of intelligence is “easy” to measure and will help you understand if you are “superior” or “average” in several different fields.
However, the smartest people aren’t always the best at dating.
IQ has been criticized for several reasons since it doesn’t say much about other kinds of intelligence that may matter more in the interactions between human beings.
The Second Kind of Intelligence Is Perceived
There is also what I call perceived intelligence.
This kind of intelligence isn’t a real measure on how smart you actually are, but rather, how intelligent other people perceive you.
Much of the perceived intelligence is based on human interactions.
For instance, think about how other people perceive you when you say something.
It is based on the assumption of how you actually use your knowledge.
The knowledge might have been acquired by practical or academic study. It really doesn’t matter.
What does matter is when and how you use it.
That will, in turn, help other people, as well as the person you’re dating, decide whether he or she thinks that you’re smart or not.

Emotional Intelligence Is the Most Important Kind of Intelligence in a Relationship
The last kind of intelligence that I will discuss is emotional intelligence.
Compassion and empathy are the key elements, and although they probably could be tested in writing, they are best practised in real life.
A tell-tale sign of a smart person with a high degree of emotional intelligence is somebody who doesn’t take himself, or herself too serious, and makes fun of himself, or herself every now and then.
However, if you’re constantly bashing on yourself, that is not a sign of an intelligent person, just someone with a low degree of self-esteem.
If you can make your date smile, it will make you come across as smart.
Emotional intelligence is probably the most important kind of intelligence in your dating and love life, wouldn’t you agree?
Click here to get other signs of attraction in your date.
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The Reason Why Intelligence Matters in Dating
Intelligence is something that ranks high when singles are asked to compose a list of the most desirable personality traits in a potential lover.
Most humans think only about the first category of intelligence, the measurable or academic when they refer to intelligence. However, the second and third category would matter even more.
If you are compassionate and emphatic, this may create attraction in a potential lover.
Here are a couple of more tips that you might appreciate too.
As always when you interact with other human beings, the perceived intelligence is important too.
If a person thinks that he or she “gets” you, attraction will begin to appear.
If you know how to keep a healthy balance between all three categories of intelligence, it might help you to find your ideal partner.
Women tend to value intelligence higher, so this is good news for us guys.
Men, on the other hand, are looking for slightly different qualities in women, which I cover in my article What Men Secretly Want.
Everybody still wants to engage in intelligent and stimulating conversations on dates, and this goes for both men and women, so keep this in mind when you are preparing yourself to go out on your next date.

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