How to Get a Hot Girl




how to get a hot girl, get a hot girls number, get a hot girl


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So, I guess you want to get a hot girl, right?

Well, then you’re in luck because, in this article, I will reveal how you can get her in ten easy steps.

However, I need to caution you.

If you are not willing to do EXACTLY what I am about to layout for you, which is nothing less than getting a hot girl and turn her into your girlfriend, you won’t succeed.

If you already think that you’re perfect, you’d better rethink it.


Just think about the last time you made a mistake, no matter how insignificant or significant it was.

It was quite recently, right?

So how can you get a hot girl?

It is as easy as 1,2,3.

If you follow my guide to get the girl, you will discover that it is not as hard as you might imagine.

All it comes down to are a few minor tweaks.

You can do it if you follow these exact steps…

Get a Hot Girl

hot girl, beautiful woman, hot girlfriendWhat should you say to get her and turn her into your girlfriend?

What are essential to get a hot girl?

The truth is that hot girls like the same things than any other girl would like in you.

Girls are looking for certain qualities in a guy.

It is probably the most significant difference between what men and women are looking for in a boy-/girlfriend or husband/wife.

While you as a guy might want a hot, sexy, beautiful girl or woman, she is looking more to your inner qualities to see if you might qualify for being a guy that can become her life-long mate.

It is also the reason why girls are putting you through these endless tests.

She wants to see if you meet her standards and qualifies to become her life-long companion.

She also wants to see if you are patient or not.

Patience is a virtue and most girls, especially the hot ones, won’t just sleep with you right off the bat on your first date because she would never want you or her friends to think about her as a slut.

To summarize it: You might think of dating her and having a relationship with her as a sprint, but she is viewing it as a marathon.

She will always think about your relationship in that way.

That is something you always need to remember.

But what can you do to get a hot girl?

As promised, I will now layout the ten steps to get a hot girl:

  • Manners matters. As always, you should be honest, polite, and show off your best behaviour and true intentions right from the start. Here are some insights into why your manners matters in dating.
  • Be nice. Nobody likes a dull, angry, or polite person. If you want to attract love, you need to stay positive and be fun to be around. Remember that positivity always attracts positivity.
  • Walk slower. It is just as important as being patient and thinking about a relationship as a marathon. If you are walking faster than she is and is a mile ahead of her, that is a clear sign to her that you are running away from her. Yikes! Don’t do this, like ever!
  • Give her all your attention. Don’t text or call your friends when you’re around her but give her your full undivided attention. It will make her feel special and appreciated by you, which is really the key to making her love you.
  • Compliment her. It is like catmint for women. I mean, who doesn’t like to hear that you’re a smart and talented person. This is also something we, as men, really sucks at. To help you out, I have put together the most comprehensive list on the Internet where I share 65 great compliments that you can use, entirely free, of course.
  • Give her spicy food. You shouldn’t just use tacky pickup lines like I thought that you would like hot food since you’re a hot girl, however giving her spicy food will make her feel sexy, literally.
  • Remember your looks. Humans are shallow beings that make a judgement about other humans within less than a fraction of a second, so take a moment and do some DIY-grooming and make sure that you look your best.
  • Talk about things that interest her. If you want to make yourself stand out from all the other guys in the room, show a genuine interest in things that interests you and make her feel good. This is also a great way to get to know her on a deeper level.
  • Talk about things that interest you. Equally important to discuss something that you love and are passionate about because then she will start to get to know you too on a deeper level.
  • Ask yourself: How do your social media presence look like? Do your social media profile makes you look dull or exciting? If you want a hot girl to notice you in the first place, you’ll need to be attentive to how you present yourself on social media. Here are some insights about how social media will help you get girls, and there is no difference between finding an average looking or a hot girl.

There you have my list of the ten steps to get a hot girl.

But do you know how you can get her number and why it might be beneficial to you?

That is what I will discuss next before I conclude this article.

Get a Hot Girls Number

In this day and age, it might seem that getting a hot girls number isn’t that important any longer with all the social media and other ways that you can find your next girlfriend these days.

However, I would argue that it does still matter.

Because her relationship with her phone hasn’t decreased, if anything, it has somewhat increased.

After all, this is the place where she gossips with her friends about other girls, follow the latest fashion trends and influencers on social media published selfies and call her grandmother or grandfather.

To summarize it: Her phone is her life.

It is basically a must-have for any hot girl with any level of self-respect and who wants to get social approval from her friends and get likes on the things she shares on social media.

So how can you benefit from this knowledge?

Getting inside of her phone is the way to get inside of her head.

I hope you see the power of this insight.

This knowledge will, however, only get you to the front door.

To get a hot girls number, you need to get approved by her and her friends first, and the best way is to use the list that I shared with you above as a checklist.

It would help if you started by approaching her.

Then it would help if you spoke to her about things that interest her and continue to talk her up until you finally ask her for her number.

If you get her number, you can text her or call her.

graphicstock young beautiful woman on the phone at the coffee HlXbBK lZHer phone is her life, and you need to get inside of it if you want to get inside of her.

No matter what you choose to do, you need to get her emotionally involved in you and put pictures in her head to make her fantasize about how a relationship with you would be.

This is my top recommended system to achieve it.*

By doing that, you will “warm” her up for being with you and this, in turn, will increase the likeliness that she will become your girlfriend.

To succeed, you need to have a marathon approach.

There is no “quick fix” or “fast track” to success, and you need to realize it.

My top recommended system, however, will help you to succeed a lot faster and you will also discover how to turn a hot girl into your girlfriend.

Just imagine the look on your friend’s faces when you present the hottest girl as your girlfriend, you kiss her.

Then, you will whisper something that makes her giggle and blush and kisses you while your friends look at you in amazement, not understanding how you could get a hot girl such as her.

Click here to get a hot girl now and become the envy of your friends.*

The video that you will watch, if you follow the link to my top recommended system, will share a unique approach to get girls.

Not just any girls but hot girls, of course.

Watch this video now and turn a hot girl into your girlfriend now.*

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 27th of April 2019.

It will reveal fun texts that you can send to her.

To your success,


About the author

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