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This is the article for you if you want a definitive guide on making him text you.
The things I will share with you aren’t manipulative but straightforward strategies to make him compelled enough to start texting you. Here are the things you will get:
- 7 Simple techniques to convince him to text you first
- Eight texting techniques that make him want to reply to your text
- The most effective way to make him text you
If you want to know about these techniques, please continue reading this article.

Why You Want Him to Text You
Before I share the techniques, I want to take a moment and explain why it is essential that you want to receive texts from him.
Texting is a fast, easy way to communicate with a guy you have a crush on.
I go into this in greater detail in my article “Can texting create the right chemistry” on this blog.
You will start to make him think about you when you talk to him, and when you’re not texting him, he will miss you.
If a man, no matter his age, starts to miss you, it indicates that he likes hanging out with you.

7 Simple Ways to Convince Him to Text You First
There are five simple ways you can convince him to text you first that works:
- Tell him upfront – with this hint
- Ask him for his phone and type your number in, and then do this
- Never say “Hi” and why
- Ask a lot
- Use proper grammar and write English
- Change your response time
- Tell him when you’re busy – and why it’s essential.

Tell Him Upfront
You might feel awkward and out of your comfort zone when you walk up to a guy you are interested in and tell him upfront to text you.
However, that is the easiest one.
If he’s with some male friends, they will mock him a little bit at first, but that forces him to get your phone number, and then the fun can start.
It might sound like a desperate move, but it’s effective.
It is also better than convincing him to approach you first since most men don’t get the subtle signals you send to a guy.
When you still have his full attention, give him this hint: I will be so disappointed if I don’t get a text from you within five minutes.
Do you know why this hint is most effective on guys you meet when you’re out?
It is because you give him a fixed timeframe to reveal to you whether he’s into you, and it also puts a little pressure on him since he needs to act fast without you having to do all the work.
That is why this hint is so effective and works on most guys.

Ask Him for His Phone and Type in Your Number
Here’s another thing that might put you out of your comfort zone but is highly effective.
If a guy approaches you and asks for your phone number, ask him to hand over his phone to you and type it in.
You will not seem like a desperate woman if you do it, as long as you don’t ask him to contact you.
You should still hint that you will be very disappointed if you don’t hear back from him, but avoid giving him a timeframe here since that will sound quite desperate.

Never Say “Hi” and Why
“Hi” is probably the lamest text you can send to someone you like.
I understand that it can constantly be overwhelming to come up with something fun, witty, engaging, intriguing, or interesting to say to the guy you like every day.
I mean, it’s not like there aren’t a million websites talking about it.
If you think you can’t come up with anything better than that, you might want to use one of the texts he can’t resist, which is way better than a “hi” all day long.
Ask a Lot
Don’t let him ask all the questions when you’re out on a date.
Ask him a lot of questions too. A date should test how well you communicate and is not meant to be an interrogation.
If you don’t know what to ask him, here are some examples.
Use Proper English Grammar
Make sure that you use proper English grammar in your texts.
Even if he gets it, he may occasionally get annoyed if you don’t write out all the words, which is particularly important if he’s not a native English speaker. He might not get your abbreviations.
If you text him in another language, use the proper grammar of that language.

Change Your Response Time
It is not wise to respond to him immediately when you always receive a text from him.
Sometimes, the best thing you can do to keep him interested in you is to make him wait for a while since that will signal that you’re a high-quality woman.
If you want more tips, here are some tips to keep him interested in you.
Tell Him When You’re Busy & Why It’s So Important
Here’s a great communication tip that instantly increases your value in his mind.
Don’t sit at home and wait for him. You have your life, and he needs to realize that you aren’t sitting at home but doing things you enjoy and like with whoever you like.
You’re an independent woman. Let him realize that.
Trust me. He will appreciate it in the long run, and you will let him understand that you’re a high-quality woman, not some floozy who is only chasing after his wallet.
These are my best tips on how to make him text you.
8 Texting Techniques To Respond to Him That Work
Now that I have shared eight different ways to make him text you, I want to share some highly effective strategies on how you should respond to him that work.
Here are eight strategies that work:
- Don’t text him longer than necessary.
- Make an inside joke
- Be a challenge to him
- Show your interest
- Avoid excessive use of smileys
- Avoid certain topics
- Ask him for advice
- Compliment him
Let’s get into this further, so you can get him to become your next boyfriend.
Don’t Text Him Longer Than Necessary
The worst way to reply to his text is with an extended text.
Texts should ideally be short, expressive, and emotional since you want to get a reply from him and start thinking about you with his emotions rather than the logical part of his brain.
If you don’t do it right, he will never ask you out on a date.
It is one of the most influential pieces of advice anyone can give you if you want to know how to make him text you and ask you out on a date.
Remember that men like short texts since they don’t read as much as women do.

Make an Inside Joke
Nothing creates a stronger connection between two humans than an inside joke.
When we laugh, we experience a rush of endorphins which will increase our emotions for another human, and oxytocin, the “connection” hormone that makes joking so effective.
If you wish to convince him to text you first, a joke will do the trick, and an inside joke will do it even more.
It’s because an internal joke is based on a similar experience that both of you experienced and can joke about, which isn’t funny for others since they don’t have the same experience.

Be a Challenge to Him
It’s nothing fun for a guy to get a woman unless she presents a challenge to him.
Speaking from a male perspective, it isn’t fun since you want to put in some effort to feel that you “win” the woman you love.
The best way to be a challenge to him is to activate his “hero instinct.”
I have shared knowledge about it and also discussed why it is so effective many times on this blog, and if you say those words, he will have no choice but to ask you out on a date.
Show Your Interest
Men are “slow” when it comes to love and have strange ideas on how they can show it to women.
For that reason, you need to encourage him to show his love, and a good way is by sending him one of these texts.
Avoid Excessive Use of Smileys
Are you sending him texts like this: You just made me laugh. 🤗😂😀😉🤣
If you are, please stop since men don’t use smileys as much as women do, and it looks stupid and childish to him.
By sending him smileys, you will repent him rather than attract him.

Avoid Certain Topics
There are specific topics you should avoid when you’re texting him.
The topics to avoid if you want him to text you or respond to a text are:
- Highly polarizing topics like politics
- Negative things, like the things you hate
- Anything that you dislike that is close to his heart
A better way is to ask him personal things like what he likes and dislikes and, most importantly, what he wants in a girlfriend.
Ask Him for Advice
Sometimes, you should ask him for his opinion, help, and, more importantly, for his advice.
When you ask someone for advice and help, you trust them. Trust is one of the keys to building successful and lasting relationships.
Compliment Him
Another great way to make him want to text you is by complimenting him.
Send him texts like “You are so wise” or “You are so good at this” to boost his ego, and give him a sincere compliment since that will make him trust you.
If you want some tips, here are some compliments you can text him.

The Most Effective Way to Make Him Love You
There is one way that is more effective than all the others if you want to make him love you.
That technique is, of course, texting.
The following video will reveal a sneaky text message men can’t resist, and if you send him that one, he can’t help but fall in love with you ASAP.

You wanted to know how to make him want to text you, and I have shared a super simple technique with you throughout this article.
Ask him questions and compliment him.
I divided the article into two sections. The first part shared insights on how to make him take the initiative, and the second part covered what you should do after receiving that first text.
The two sections are:
- Tell him upfront
- Ask him for his phone and type your number in
- Never say “Hi” in a text
- Ask a lot
- Use proper grammar and write English
- Change your response time
- Tell him when you’re busy
- Don’t text him longer than necessary.
- Make an inside joke
- Be a challenge to him
- Show your interest
- Avoid excessive use of smileys
- Avoid certain topics
- Ask him for advice
- Compliment him
If you want to make him love you, sending a few simple texts to work on men is the most straightforward technique.

I hope you take a chance and explore them and watch the video that will start to play after you click or tap on the image above.
I know that those texts will help you achieve success.
Watching the video is free, but if you decide to purchase after watching the video, you may assume that I earn a commission from your purchase but at no extra cost.
To your success
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