Is Dating a Relationship or Something Else?




is dating a relationship


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Many times when I ask my male clients whether they consider dating a relationship, they answer “no,” while my female clients, on the other hand, say “yes.”

Should you consider dating a relationship, or is it something entirely different?

That question has more answers than a simple yes or no and is fascinating since it will reveal much about your expectations and overall view of dating and relationships.

So, without further ado, let’s discuss this question and explore it in greater detail.

Can You Consider the First Date to Be a Relationship?

I would consider the first date a simple get-together and get-to-know-each-other kind of date. It can, of course, be the beginning of your relationship, but there’s no guarantee.

It might also be all that is to it, and you decide that you weren’t as compatible as you thought initially.

Most of the time, we never know where a first date will go and whether we will have a second, maybe even third, and the fourth date with that person.

Other times we will never pass the first date with a person we were sure we would date more than once.

On many occasions, I had thought one thing before the date and ended up with the opposite decision after the date ended.

happy couple holding hands and looking at each other

5 Best Practices for First Dates

No matter what you end up deciding, here are five of my best practices for first dates (and all the following ones too):

  1. Arrive a couple of minutes early. It is not good to be late for your first date. It will make an impression that you’re not trustworthy. If you’re running a little late, call or text your date to let the person know you are a bit late but haven’t stood them up.
  2. Dress to impress. How you dress says everything about how serious you are about the date. If you come straight from work, make sure that you look decent. If not, dress for the occasion and be as comfortable and content as possible.
  3. Smell your best. Please don’t stink on a date with a potential boy- or girlfriend. If you have a job that makes you smell, ensure you have enough time to shower first.
  4. Try to be yourself. It is normal to feel awkward when you meet someone you don’t know particularly well for the first time. It is okay to be nervous. Your date will feel the same way.
  5. Ask questions. Try to avoid the awkward silence as much as possible by asking your date a couple of questions. If you want some tips, you will find them below.

These are my best practices and tips.

If you want more tips, read my articles about first-date etiquette for men, first-date etiquette for women, and the best questions to ask on a first date.

Is Dating a Relationship? Second and Third Dates.

If you get a second or third date, it will pass the insecurity of the first date and become something that might develop into a relationship.

So, as you understand, whether you’re just dating or are in a relationship depends on several things.

There is no straight answer to it, but the first thing that differentiates dating from relationships is that dating is getting to know the other person on a surface level, while relationships are getting to know the same person on a deeper level.

Relationships are also more exclusive than dating.

You can, of course, agree to date each other exclusively, but most of the time, you would like to keep looking for new opportunities to meet many different people to figure out what person you want.

Dating is full of uncertainty and awkwardness, as I discussed in my article on How to start dating.

woman looking at her boyfriend

The 18 Sure Signs That You Are in a Relationship and Not “Just” Dating

If you want to know the eighteen sure signs that will tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you are not “just” dating but in a relationship with a person, let me walk you through them here:

  1. Level of Authenticity
  2. Level of Commitment
  3. Level of Availability
  4. Exclusivity
  5. Social Adaptation
  6. Length of Time Together
  7. All the Words That Start with an L
  8. Level of Mutual Support
  9. Expectations of Each other
  10. How Do You Refer to Each other?
  11. The Social Aspect
  12. T As in Trust
  13. Level of Emotional Connection
  14. The Intensity of Emotions.
  15. Communication
  16. Let’s Address The Elephant in the Room.
  17. Relationship Stability
  18. What Will Your Final Result Be?

1. Level of Authenticity

How authentic are you with the other person? Do you feel that you can be yourself without judgment from that person? Like wearing worn-out T-shirts and eating whatever you feel?

I’ve discussed the importance of authenticity in another article.

I discuss how you can be your authentic self and why it is vital in dating and relationships, but how will it help determine whether you’re in the dating or relationship stage?

If you answer “yes” to all the questions above, you are in a relationship.

If you answered “no” to any questions, you are still in the dating stage.

2. Level of Commitment

If you are more committed to your friends and family than the person you are currently dating, you are technically still dating.

You will prioritize yourself too and only see the other person when you have time.

However, if you are in a committed relationship, your priorities will shift, and you want to spend as much time with that person as possible, reducing your time with friends and family.

cooking date

3. Level of Availability

How available are you?

No, I’m not talking about if people can reach you here, but rather how available you are for people to date you and whether you like the person you’re with or not.

If you don’t like the person you’re dating, you are still in the dating stage.

However, if you are content and happy with the person and don’t want to date other people, you are already in a relationship or ready to get into one fast.

4. Exclusivity

You might still be dating if you agreed only to date the other person. So it’s a tricky one.

However, you agreed because you are more curious. Even if nothing is certain immediately if it lasts for a couple of months, you can assume that you have entered a new stage in your relationship.

If the uncertainty persists after those months, you’re still dating.

young latino man and woman in bed

5. Social Adaptation

In the beginning, you will have your circle of friends, and the other person will have their circle of friends.

As your relationship progresses, you will notice that some of your and your partner’s friends will meet you as a couple while others will become no-shows, and you might lose contact with them altogether.

You will also meet other couples and start doing things together with them.

When you notice that, you will start to do more “couple stuff” with your mutual friends as a couple than hanging out with your single friends who are not in a relationship. You may assume that you are in a relationship and are not dating any longer.

That will happen naturally throughout your relationship.

6. Length of Time Together

Remember that there is no right or wrong timeline for a relationship.

If you have been on a couple of dates over a few weeks, you are technically still dating and getting to know each other.

You might assume you’re in a relationship when you have been dating the same person for a few months.

If you want some more insights, you can check out the timeline of relationships here and see where you’re at right now.

7. All the Words That Start with an “L.”

Love, Lust, Lack, Laughter, and Like are five prime examples of words that will define if you are dating or in a relationship.

Lust is probably the first thing you will feel for another person when you’re dating someone you like.

Like is the second stage, and you will develop a sense of liking already around the first couple of dates, and then you need to bring it up for discussion.

Laughter is something you should do a lot, no matter if you are dating or are in a relationship.

Lack might be an experience that is fine to feel at some points in a relationship, but it doesn’t make it funny.

If you want more time to spend with someone, you’re in a relationship.

Love is the final stage, and when you tell the other person you love them, you’re in a relationship if they say the same thing back at you several times.

Live a Life Quote

[Tweet “Live a Life Filled with Love and Laughter, Not with Lack and Regrets — Dating Coach Rickard #quote #datingtips”]

8. Level of Mutual Support

If you support the other person when they have a bad day, and you can trust the person to do the same, you show each additional mutual support, which is one of the definitions of being in a relationship.

If you can’t trust that person to give you mutual support, you’re “just” dating.

9. Your Expectations of Each Other

When you start to date someone, the expectations are low. You probably expect the person to show up on time for your date, and that’s pretty much it.

You will expect more as time passes and you start to date the same person two, three, or four times.

Suppose you expect someone to give you helpful advice in a situation you don’t know how you should handle and lean on that person’s shoulder when you need emotional support. In that case, you are already in a relationship with that person.

However, it is only a real relationship if you both feel the same.

If you also expect that person to be with you on holidays and important events and present them to your parents, you’re in a relationship.

10. How Do You Refer to Each Other?

Be aware of the pronouns you use when you talk about each other, especially among family and friends.

If you refer to yourself in the first person singular (“I” and “me”), you’re dating, but if you refer to yourself in the first person plural (“we” and “us”), you are in a relationship in both heart and mind.

Also, if you refer to yourself as a boy- or girlfriend, you are in a relationship.

dating scene with young couple

11. The Social Aspect

As I discussed in #5 above, you will meet each other’s friends the longer you date, and some will stay your friends while others will stop being your friends.

If you never meet their friends, it’s not a real relationship.

12. T As in Trust

Trust is one of the critical factors in a relationship, as I discussed many times in this blog.

To answer the main question, “Is dating a relationship?” you need to figure out if you trust the person to stay faithful to you, no matter what “temptations” might present to you or your partner.

You’re in a relationship if you feel safe and trust the person. Otherwise, you’re not.

13. Level of Emotional Connection

Your emotional connection with someone will help determine whether you are dating or in a relationship.

If you don’t feel anything for that person yet, except excitement and curiosity, you’re dating, but if you have agreed that you like and love each other, you’re in a relationship.

Here are some signs that you have developed a deep, emotional connection with that other person.

14. The Intensity of Emotions

There’s a difference between feeling butterflies in your stomach and seeing rainbows and sunshine when you’re meeting someone.

The first part is normal to feel on the first date or some time after. So, if you think this way, you’re dating.

The latter part describes feeling infatuated and having developed a deep emotional connection with somebody.

If you feel a connection that runs deep, you’re in a relationship.

15. Communication

How do you communicate?

I don’t necessarily mean that you end each other’s sentences.

Still, if you communicate with that person daily or almost daily, you are probably in a relationship.

If there are long breaks between your communication, that’s probably an indication that you’re still dating.

16. Let’s Address the Elephant in the Room

cartoon elephant dancing

Now it’s time to address the three-letter word elephant in the room, S-E-X.

It is one aspect of a relationship that is very significant in the beginning when you’re dating. Still, it will take the backseat, and other parts of your relationship will develop further down the road.

Yes, it is still essential, but you will find other levels of intimacy in a relationship as it develops.

If your main focus is to seduce her, you are technically still dating, but if you want to attract and keep her for the long term, your main focus is a relationship.

17. Relationship Stability

Suppose your main focus is to do as much as possible for the other person.

In that case, you are deeply committed to that person on both an emotional and personal level you are in a relationship.

There are also fewer doubts about your emotions for each other.

If you go to great lengths to fulfill your commitment to the other person, and they do the same to you – that is a clear sign that you’re in a relationship.

If none of this is true, however, you’re still dating.

18. What Will Your End Result Be?

I can’t tell you what your result will be, but there are two potential outcomes.

Either you date that person for a while and decide that you are not compatible to be in a relationship, or you will choose to be in a relationship with a woman.

If you decide to break it off after two, or three dates, you don’t need to explain a lot.

If you have been dating for a couple of months, you should tell them that you have decided not to continue this relationship.

It would be best if you said it to them face-to-face in an honest and open conversation.

I hope that you found this article quite helpful and that you want to share it with one of your friends by clicking on one of the buttons below or reading any of the in-depth articles that I have linked to throughout this article.

a young man giving flowers to a young woman

Is Dating a Relationship or Something Else Entirely – My Final Thoughts

Honestly, I can’t tell you whether you are dating or in a relationship, but hopefully, it has helped answer some questions that you might have on your mind before reading it.

Only you can tell that, and the best way is to follow the advice I shared with you on number 15 above.

When you discuss things with the other person, it will become much easier for you to decide and get to a mutual agreement on what kind of relationship you’re in with that other person.

The most important thing is not to define it immediately but let it mature and move on at its own pace.

Remember that there is no fixed timeline that your relationship “must” follow to be labeled as a “success” or a “failure.” Only time will tell.

I hope it helped clarify something for you,


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