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What are the most common love mistakes women make with men without ever realising them?
How can I avoid making them?
Why do the smartest women make the stupidest choices when it comes to love?
These are a couple of questions that I recently was asked in an email.
For this reason, I decided to share my insights with you, as a man, and as a dating coach to share my answers with you to the questions that are on most women’s mind at some point in your relationship.
If you find this information useful, please share it with other women who are in need of this knowledge.
10 Stupid Love Mistakes Women Make and How to Fix Them
Below, I will first share the ten stupid love mistakes women tend to do and what Elisabeth did to fix them to repair her relationship with Ben.
1. You Don’t Know Your Self-Worth
One of the most common mistakes that women tend to do quite often is that they start to think less about themselves.
Most men like women who are independent and don’t need a woman who is needy or can’t do anything without her husband.
Here are some insights on why men don’t want “needy” women.
However, if you’re struggling with low self-esteem or self-worth, you might face other challenges in your love life.
Relationships can be messy, especially if you chase after the wrong type.
Things you should avoid include chasing after married men or chasing after so-called ”bad boys“ who will treat you like crap, which means that you want them even more.
These things are devastating to your own value and sense of self-worth and will take a huge toll on your self-worth eventually.
You deserve more than that crap, don’t you?
2. I Don’t Seem to Get Men
In many aspects, you think that you don’t get men because you have been mistreated and burned too many times by some men.
However, men are not as complex as you might think.
Sometimes, and this is a generalisation, women, especially highly educated women, seem to overcomplicate things with men.
Men have two basic emotional “settings” that controls their behaviour.
These emotional settings can be described as the fear of losing you, and the other basic emotion that drives how men act is fear of not being seen as a real man, which is a powerful male myth.
That male myth might cause some serious damage to your relationship.
If you don’t allow him to be a “real” man, it might make him want to pull away from you, and the relationship altogether.
As a matter of fact, men are also driven by a logical mind.
The logical mind works very different than a mind that tends to be more focused on emotions.
I am not saying that this is a difference between men and women here.
Oh no, this comes down to the human psyche, and every one of us is driven by both emotions as well as logic.

3. You’re NOT Allowing Yourself to Be the Woman in Your Relationship
As much as he appreciates you for being a woman, he does not want you to be the man and fix everything.
Even if he understands that you can do things perfectly fine on your own, you need him to fix things and taking care of some practical things, because otherwise, he will NOT think that you appreciate him as a man.
For this reason, it is important to allow yourself to be the woman.
[Tweet “Allow yourself to be the woman, and contribute with female energy, and allow him to be the man and contribute with male energy to your relationship. – Dating Coach Rickard #DatingAdvice #DatingTips”]
4. You Don’t Allow Him to Be the Man in Your Relationship
Let him change the tires of your car, put up a painting, or do some other things that will help him feel like a man.
If you don’t, he will feel like you stop him from being a man.
If he feels that way, he will feel a growing frustration that might be poisonous to your relationship.
However, there is a way to stop this from happening to you.
If you want to fully understand how you can stop this from ever happening to you, you can read what Elisabeth did below, and what she did to change and ultimately save her relationship with Ben.
I understand that to you as an independent, modern, and strong woman, it might feel weird to pretend to be a “damsel in distress”.
However, we men do like to help the woman we love with everything.
It makes us feel like we are of use to you, and that you have an actual need for a man in your life.
5. You Don’t Appreciate What He Does for You
Just as important it is to make him feel like he is the man in the relationship, it is equally important that you appreciate what he actually does for you, and the ways he contributes to your relationship.
If you are just in a relationship to get him to buy you expensive gifts or get what you think you are “entitled” to, you do not know your self-worth.
Even worse, you are using him for your own benefit.
Quite honestly, you are just like a prostitute who exchange your body for gifts from men, even if it’s a free dinner.
Don’t be a gold-digger, ladies! He’s not your sugar-daddy.
If you want a real relationship with a man who loves and appreciates you, it is not okay to use him or let him use your body, just to get something that you think you’re entitled to get from him.
6. You Try to Change Him
Another thing a lot of women do to the man they love is that they try to change the way he is or the way he looks.
If you make fun of him, especially in front of his friends, or family, and ridicules him, he will start to feel emasculated, and like he’s completely useless, and might start to get the impression that you don’t love him.
If you just complain of him, he will grow sick and tired of you, and sooner rather than later, start to look for another woman.
However, if you know how to treat him the right way, he will not leave you.
Just like you want him to treat you with respect, you should treat him with respect too.
Don’t try to change him as long as he doesn’t try to change you.

7. Are You Having Trust Issues?
You might have been in relationships where the man you thought loved you betrayed that trust and cheated on you.
If you did, you might suffering from trust issues.
However, it is crucial that you do give him some benefit of the doubt here, ladies, and don’t assume that he’s cheating on you right away.
If you do, it will be a deal-breaker for him, that’s for sure.
It is not uncommon for men to have attracted women contacting them on social media.
If he answers them, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s cheating on you.
8. You Create the Wrong Emotions in Him
If you create drama rather than comfort, that might end your relationship faster than you think.
Why? Because men don’t like women who are drama queens.
If you make him feel uncomfortable, he will start to look for women who are more easy-going, and doesn’t give him a lot of drama in his life.
Men do not like women who creates discomfort in their lives.
It is one thing to watch drama, but it’s the complete opposite of what he wants to experience in his relationship with you.
There is one thing you can do to create the right emotions in any man.
After you have read about Elisabeth, you will know what that emotion is, which will make him think of you like an easy-going woman, instead of a drama queen.
However, I will address the other two stupid simple love mistakes women make with men, which you shouldn’t skip.
9. You Don’t Make Him Think of a Future Together
When you’re dating, you are always looking for the best option.
It is the sad truth of dating nowadays, and it works the same for men and women alike.
If you think someone “gets” you, you want to be with that person.
However, he might not see things similar, since he might want to keep things open, to see whether you’re his best option or not.
If you can make him see a future with you, that will be beneficial to you.
After you have discovered what Elisabeth did to save her relationship with Ben, you will understand how you can make a man you love see a future together with you.
It will be of a huge benefit to you, since he will become more relaxed, and more convinced that the two of you will have a future together.
All thanks to the basic love principle that Elisabeth used.
10. You Jump to the Wrong Conclusion to Early
Many women jump to the wrong conclusion too early on in the relationship, which can lead to unnecessary heartbreaks for you.
Most women think that after being on a date, you’re in a relationship.
However, I am sorry to inform you that we men don’t think that since a date for us is all about getting to know you a bit better.
Men and women think completely different about dating.
Men think of a date as something that is good for us, since it will help us decide whether we want to be in a relationship with you or not.
It is completely opposed to how you, as a woman, think of it, right?
Above, I have shared a couple of insights with you on how men think about relationships and in relationships with women.
However, there is one important question that I haven’t answered yet.
It is the question of how it can help you, as a woman, to get the relationship that you deserve with the man you love.

Elisabeth’s Story: The Mistakes Women Make with Men
Elisabeth, who is a 37-year older woman, met her fiancé, Ben, at a birthday party for her friend Andrea.
They were introduced by a mutual friend of theirs.
After the first date with Ben, that took place at a local restaurant a couple of years back. They became an established couple.
Ben moved in with his two cats into Elisabeths small apartment.
The first three months into the relationship, everything was nice, and he showered her with compliments and small gifts.
However, Elisabeth still wanted to fix everything in the apartment herself.
She didn’t want to make Ben think that she was a weak woman who would depend on a man’s help to get things happening.
When she needed a new chair, she did what she usually did.
She went to the local furniture store, bought it with the money she earned herself, carried it all eight stories up since the elevator had stopped working, and put it in her living room.
When Ben got home that day, he noticed it immediately.
You might think that he would be amazed that Elisabeth had carried it up all by herself, but he wasn’t.
What is wrong with you? Ben yelled at Elisabeth.
She had never seen this side of Ben before, and she didn’t know what to say to him, since she had done what she used to do when she was single.
Ben had been working extra, since Elisabeth was pregnant at the time too.
Elisabeth told Ben: Stop patronising me. I’m a grown woman who doesn’t need a man chauvinist pig like you to take “care” of me.
I was better off without you in my life. Get out of my apartment!
Ben left immediately, and Elisabeth sat there in her brand new chair, in her living room in her apartment, all by herself.
She then noticed that Ben had gotten likes on his Facebook from an unknown woman, who Elisabeth didn’t know who it was, and she was sending Ben very explicit comments on his posts.
Needless to say, Elisabeth was devastated, and contacted her friend, Andrea.
Andrea told Elisabeth that there probably was only one thing to do, and that was to reach out to Ben and ask for his forgiveness.
Now, Elisabeth refused to do that, since she didn’t want Ben to think that she was a weak woman, who couldn’t do anything without his approval, or not manage to do anything to him.
However, she didn’t want her baby-girl to grow up without her dad either.
So, what should a woman do, who wants to be strong, and self-sufficient, and never would want to be a housewife in a million years do?
Elisabeth started to look for different solutions online.
However, all of them seemed to be based on the core principles that she needed to give up all of her independence, and all of her dreams.
She didn’t liked that idea.
You see, Elisabeth always assumed that she had to show how little she needed a man in her life to make him attracted to her.
She always thought that otherwise, she would just come across as needy.
Elisabeth followed the love principle that she learned about and used it when she reached out to Ben on social media.
He came back to her the same afternoon, and they began to talk.
After a while, everything seemed to be fine, and Ben moved back in with her, and the two continued to plan the wedding that had been postponed.
Would you like to know what she did to change Ben’s mind?
Would you like to avoid these mistakes women make with men?
Would you like to get all the details right now?
Click or tap here to read the same information that helped Elisabeth.*
I can reveal to you that everything turned out fine for the two of them, and that they now are proud parent to little Stella.
Elisabeth had been cheated on before, and that was why she was desperate on showing her independence to Ben and not allowing him to be the man in their relationship.
If it ever happened to you, you only have two viable options right now.
The first one, and it’s perfectly fine to choose this one, is to continue to be independent and single for the rest of your life.
The other option you have is to read the information, and get more insights into the mystery of the male mind, some of which I have covered above, but not at all to the full extent of Carlos’ program.
If you choose the second option, you will get all the details here.*
I hope you take the time and share this with other women, who simply don’t know why they can’t get the right kind of man for them.
As you now know, it is not what you say, but rather, how you behave that will determine whether you can get a relationship with a man who appreciates you, or whether you will be single forever.
I really hope that you enjoyed it.
For your information: All names have been altered to protect the privacy of the individuals in this example.
I wish you an amazing day,
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