5 Myths About How Men Fall in Love




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Do you know the 5 common myths about how men fall in love?

If you don’t know them, it will spell disaster for any relationship you will have with a man.

They are absolutely vital to know if you want him to fall in love with you.

If you don’t know these common myths, you are in luck since I will share them with you in this article.

Most women have either heard of or are spreading these myths about men.

They do it because they genuinely believe these common myths about men and how they love you, but as a man myself, I can tell you that they have gotten it ALL WRONG.

So, what are the most common myths about how men fall in love, and how can they potentially ruin your relationships with men?

Find out by continuing to read this article which continues below…

Here are the myths that might destroy your relationships with men:

  1. Men Think a Lot About Sex And Want to Have It All the Time
  2. He Can’t Fake It
  3. Men Are Afraid of Commitments
  4. He Is Just Looking for a Bedroom Buddy
  5. “I Have Big Hands” Actually Means This…

But why are they destroying your relationships with men, and more importantly, what can you do to improve your relationship with him?

Myth #1 About Men and Love: Men Think a Lot About Sex And Want to Have It All the Time

If you think that 19 times every day is a lot, then yes.

That is how often young men think about sex, but older men think about it even less.

There are a ton of myths around men and sex.

If all of them were true, it would mean the end of humanity, so let’s address the issue of this sensitive topic a bit more in-depth.

According to the myth, men think about sex around 8,000 times.

Of course, it isn’t the truth, and even if men do not think about it as often as the myth claims, it doesn’t mean that men are sex maniacs.

It simply means that men think about it more than they do.

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Myth #2 About How Men Fall in Love: He Can’t Fake It

Another widespread myth is that men can’t fake their orgasms.

As a man myself, let me inform you that nothing can be further from the truth, and we are as bad or as good as women at faking it.

Do you know the most common reason why he is faking it?

It is because he is tired and wants to be “done with the deed,” so to speak, so that he can hug you and embrace you before he dozes off.

I will share a little bit more insights when I address the fourth myth.

Myth #3 About Men and Love: Men Are Afraid of Commitments

This is one of the two major myths that I will address in this article and why it is decremental to your relationships with men – the myth that men are commitment-phobes, aka afraid of committing themselves to you.

Are men afraid of making commitments to you?

Some men are, but most men are NOT.

As with all things where your emotions are involved, the reason is based on your past experiences.

If he recently was burned by another woman, he will be less eager to commit to you, of course, since he has gotten his feelings hurt and is questioning himself.

Then it is your job to help him through it and make him trust you.

That will make a man open up emotionally to you and start trusting you and himself.

It will allow him to become more emotionally available to you and give you the amazing relationship you are entitled to, which will become much better than anything you ever imagined.

Just imagine how good you will feel when he snuggles up to you on the couch, embrace you with his strong arms, and hug you, and kiss you.

It will take a lot of time for you to do it.

However, if you want to make him fall in love with you and be able to trust both himself and you sooner rather than later, there is a solution to it.

I will share the solution with you after I have covered all the myths.

make her feel adored

Myth #4 About How Men fall in Love with Women: He Is Just Looking for a Bedroom Buddy

Here is the second biggest myth about how men fall in love with women, probably the one who is causing the most trouble for you as a woman in your relationship with men.

The myth claims that men are basically sex machines who want to have sex all the time.

Luckily for you, this is COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG.

Men do not want bedroom buddies. They want to be in a committed relationship as much as you want it.

Maybe, men are more eager than most women.

After all, we tend to want to speed up everything relationship-wise, i.e., we want to rush things like moving in together, be intimate quicker, and marry the woman we love.

However, we need to think about it a lot longer than women do before taking action.

So, let me debunk this myth once and for all right now.

Have you ever heard the following saying?

Men wants sex, women want relationships.

100% WRONG

As you now know, it is dead wrong since men want relationships as much as women want them.

Men also want to:

  • Cuddle
  • Do things for you
  • Embrace
  • Hug
  • Kiss
  • Show his affections for you.
  • Tell you how much he loves you, and prove it to you every day.

We men want all of the above with the woman we love, so we do not want to move on to the next woman.

So, let me ask you a question here:

Would you like to know how you can make him fall in love with you and give you the awesome relationship you truly deserve?

Then, you will appreciate what I will share with you after the next myth.

couple embracing each other

Myth #5 About How Men Fall in Love with Women: What His Hands and Feet Are Saying About His Penis Size

I hope you, like me, remember vividly when the 45th president of the United States of America said: “I have big hands.”

Now, he was talking about firing nuclear missiles against North Korea.

Here I am about to reveal something about men and penis sizes, which missiles look awkwardly similar to thinking about it.

Nevertheless, I need to reveal to you that there have been several scientific studies about this topic, which is the last myth that I will address in this article about men and love.

Spoiler alert: They all came to the same conclusion.

There is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between a man’s hand size or foot size and the size of his penis.

Sorry ladies to be the bringer of bad news. 🙁

Even if this was the last myth I debunked in this article, there is still one thing that I have left to share with you.

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No matter how old you are, when you find your soulmate, he will never want to leave you.

The Best Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You Quickly (and Be in a Relationship with You for Years to Come)

Previously, I have shared the 5 common myths about how men fall in love with women.

Now, I want to share the best way to make a man fall in love with you.

I hope that it is okay with you since I think you deserve an awesome relationship with a man who loves, respects, and appreciates you for the unique and wonderful woman you are, don’t you?

Just imagine how wonderful it will be when you wake up, and he serves you breakfast in your bed.

It can happen to you if you take a moment and watch a video.

The video will answer some of the common questions that are keeping you up at night.

Questions like:

  • Is there another, younger woman that he wants to replace me?
  • Is he cheating on me with that female colleague of his that he always seems to talk about?
  • Why does he not talk with me?
  • Am I NOT attractive, or cute enough for him?
  • Doesn’t he think that I’m pretty?

If those questions or similar ones are keeping you up, there is a solution to your problems, which I want to share with you, so you can sleep all night calmly next to the man you love.

All you need to do to stop wondering and start knowing for sure that he is in love with you is to watch this video right now.*

If you don’t watch it, you will not be able to sleep tonight.

So, would you rather be up all night again, wondering whether there is a younger woman that he would rather be with than you, the amazing, wonderful woman who can give him everything he needs and more?

I think it would be a catastrophic mistake for you if you didn’t take a few moments from your busy day and watch it.

However, maybe he has already chosen for you.

Maybe he has found a woman who he truly likes and gives him what he needs, and who is both prettier and younger than you are.

You aren’t sure since you don’t know who he is talking to.

He might say that it is his boss or just a female colleague of his, but are you sure that he is telling you the whole truth?

If you are, you have nothing to worry about.

However, if you started to question yourself and want to be sure of his true intentions with you, I would recommend that you watch this video.*

In the video, Carlos Cavallo will share some mind-boggling tips with you that will help you to be sure of his intentions, as well as understanding how he will appreciate you and fall in love with you.

I don’t think that you deserve to be lying awake in your bed tonight, with all these questions keeping you up at night.

I am only doing this to help you out.

After all, he should be lucky to be in a relationship with such a wonderful woman as you are, right?

You deserve a man who loves and appreciates you, don’t you?

If you agree with me, you can watch this video, where Carlos explains everything to you.*

I really hope it helps you sleep well starting tonight.

Note: This article contains some affiliate links, but watching the video referred to in this video is completely free.

I wish you an amazing day with the man you love and a good night’s sleep!


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