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Dating For Geeks Review

We are a professional review company that receives compensation from companies whose products we review. We test each product thoroughly and give high marks only to the ones that are the very best. We are independently owned, and the opinions expressed here are our own.

In this blog post, I will write a review about a dating product that is specifically targeting the group identified as “nerds” or “geeks”. That is however not what I would like to call them. I would like to call them really smart people!

Two Men Have Found Something Interesting On A Laptop
Portrait of a two men using a laptop

To Whom Do I Recommend This Book?

I recommend this ebook because that is what the “Dating for Geeks – The essential guide to love for intelligent young men” really is for all guys that want to have a committed and serious relationship with a woman.

The entire website actually lists a whole set of different men that it claims to have a solution for, among others those that seems to only go on many first dates but never on a second date.

What I really like about this book is that it does not promise you any psychological “loopholes” in women psychology or to get them in bed. It really sounds like a book that I would myself recommend to all my clients and to all male readers but as always there are things that I don’t like about the book and I have listed them below.

Things I Don’t Like About “Dating For Geeks”

As mentioned above, I don’t like calling smart people “nerds” or “geeks” and there are some other things I don’t like about “Dating for Geeks – The essential guide to love for intelligent young men”.

For your convenience I have listed them below:

One Guy Shows The Other One Something Interesting On A Laptop
Portrait of a two men using a laptop
  • Giving a woman chocolate and or flowers on a first date is outdated. (No, it’s not if you know how to do it properly but you should know her a bit first, maybe she has an allergy and then it’s not good to give her any of it).
  • Talking about feelings is outdated. Here’s a hard fact for you: Some of my clients that have got married had just talked about the feelings. No, the girl won’t think that you’re weird if you know when to do it. It is as always not advisable to talk about feelings for a man on a first date but women like men that show their “soft”-spots as well as their more male role you are expected to assume as a provider and as a rock that takes care of her.
  • The fact that the author is just known as “robert_k”. Who is this? I don’t know him and I don’t think so.

One fact that I do like is that he only will charge you $19,99 for 141 pages of advice. That is really cheap.



I like the fact that it’s a cheap book and that he lists many different kinds of males who he claims will be helped by his book.


However, I don’t like the fact “geek” and the fact that he is calling some of the more classical courting rituals outdated. In fact, they are not, as long as you know when you should use them and when you should use them.


Final remarks


As always my advice to you is to read the book yourself and make up your own mind if this is for you or not. I will only provide you the link to it since there are many different dating books around (as you can see on the right side of the blog).

Next blog post

My next blog post will be published on September the 16th 2015.

It will be about what women are looking for in a man. One of the many posts that will be published during this autumn in the DatingInRealLife-series.

See you then,

About the author: Rickard Is The Head Blogger Of Chi Rho Dating Since Summer 2015 And Is Also The Dating Coach Of The Dating Website ChristianDatingInternational.Com.

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