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Special Post: 9/11 The Day We Will Never Forget

patriot day, 9/11, September 9th 2001

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In this blog post I will talk about the date on the calendar that triggers a lot of different emotions:

Today it’s after all September the 11th.

We should not forget but we should also make this a day of forgiveness and do something for people that need our help now.

The Day No One Who Experienced It Will Ever Forget

I know what I did on that dreadful day in 2001 and I also remembered my reactions when I saw the airplanes flew into the twin towers of World Trade Centre: I thought it was a film first. I did not get it directly!

I did not get it directly!

After a while the reality caught up with me: It has really happened! It wasn’t a film, it actually happened!

I was shocked and everyone I talked with was just as shocked as I was.

I was up that entire night watching CNN to hear the latest news.

My brain slowly realized what actually had happened.

After some time, we also learned that the airplanes were hijacked and the name of the hijackers.

I remember that I thought: This isn’t good, now there will be an upswing for nationalistic parties, protectionists and open racism around the world.

Were my initial thoughts right?

I am afraid so.

Everywhere we look in the world today (and especially Europe) we see that.

The refugees that now is fleeing from their lives from the Middle East to Europe and the rest of the world are as helpless as the first victims on the airplanes.

However we can do something for them, we can offer them a safe harbor which we couldn’t offer the hijackers victims.

It won’t help anybody to hold a grudge against them for any reason.

Either we should welcome the refugees and treat them with respect and try to return the dignity lost to them by war or we should do something to stop the war that has driven them to these strange shores.

Of course, it is not the same thing but both the refugees and those victims have one thing in common: They are innocent bystanders, they can do nothing about their current situation as much as you or I can to influence a foreign nation by our own.

There is, however, one thing we, as Christians, always can do and that is to pray!

A Prayer For The Victims On 9/11 2001


don’t let us forget what happened on this dreadful day in the year 2001.

Give us the strength to support the families of those that lost a loved one,

give us the courage to forgive the families of the hijackers,

give us love to help those that need our help the most right now.

Let Your light shine through the darkness of this world,

let Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven,

let Your grace remind us of the power of forgiveness.

Make us peacemakers and help us understand that Your will is not done by hurting

but by helping our neighbors whoever they might be.

In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ.



Next blog post will be published tomorrow.

See you then,

About the author: Rickard Is The Head Blogger Of Chi Rho Dating Since Summer 2015 And Is Also The Dating Coach Of The Dating Website ChristianDatingInternational.Com.

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