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Seasonal Dating: Advent And Dating During Christmas

A Cutie With A Laptop

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It Is One of the Best Seasons to Date

In this blog post, I will write about one of the best seasons to date, namely Christmas, and I will also write about the period preceding it, namely Advent.

I will also share some of my best singles advice for you that you can start to implement today and go out on hot dates, even if it’s cold outside.

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Don’t let your Bible collect dust, celebrate this Christmas by reading it…

We Are In Advent Constantly But…

Advent literally means arrival, and we are all waiting for Christ to return, for the Second Coming of Christ.

During this season, it’s cold and dark if you are living in the Northern Hemisphere, or hot and bright if you are living in the Southern Hemisphere.

Although I have to add that above the Arctic Circle, the sun never stops shining, which makes me think about Joshua and the battle of Jericho, but that is not what I will discuss in this article.

During this season, more people than usually goes to Church and attend the masses and services.

For Christian singles, this means that potential new mates are coming into Church than during the rest of the year (Eastern is an exception, of course).

Remember always to display the best side of yourself publicly, and remember why you are in Church: It’s not because you are looking for someone to love primarily, it’s because you are a Christian and you love God.

By being the best version of yourself, you actually increase your chances of getting a new date, and even if the first person you talk with isn’t the one, they might have someone else they refer you to that you can go out on a date with.

Why Dating During Christmas Is One Of The Best Seasons

A Cutie With A Laptop

Image Courtesy Of imagerymajestic At FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

The same is true when you are dating during Christmas. You should always go to Church, primarily for the love of God and only secondary to find someone to love.

It is also true that being the best version of you and going on as many masses or services as possible at your local Church or in the local Church where you are celebrating Christmas, is the best ways to increase your chances.

I can’t guarantee your success, but what I can guarantee is that if you don’t use it, you won’t meet someone to date.

You can use the same “blueprint” that I wrote about in an earlier post on this blog, Dating On Thanksgiving.

It doesn’t matter if you are out shopping Christmas presents or if you are traveling somewhere this Christmas to celebrate the second most important holiday in Christianity.

Next blog post

My next blog post will be published on Saturday, the 5th of December 2015.

It will be the first article of two where I am writing about things you should or shouldn’t say to someone you’ve just met.

See you then,

About the author: Rickard has been the chief blogger of Chi Rho Dating since the summer of 2015 and the dating coach of the dating website ChristianDatingInternational.Com since 2013. Rickard has been featured on DatingNews.Com.

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