Set Up Yourself for Success




set up yourself for success


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We are a professional review company that receives compensation from companies whose products we review. We test each product thoroughly and give high marks only to the ones that are the very best. We are independently owned, and the opinions expressed here are our own.

Today, I will reveal what you should do to set yourself up for success and your priorities straight.

Because sometimes, when you are excited, you aim high.

There is nothing wrong with aiming high, but sometimes you tend to aim too high than you can.

Discover everything you need to set yourself up for success and attract the love and relationship you so eagerly desire below, or leave now and miss out on what might be the secret to the relationship you want and dream of.

The choice is yours and yours alone, so what do you do?

Priority 1: Set Your Priorities Straight Right Now

You might get there, but you must set your preferences straight first.

It is better to gain a small win to encourage you to keep going than to set your goals too high and fail, making you lose faith and trust in yourself.

I know how devastating this can be to you since I have done it to myself sometimes.

It lowers your self-esteem and hurts your self-confidence.

Here are my best tips on how to boost your confidence right now.

So, it’s better to set your expectations real, e.g., I want to go out on a date with one person in the next two to three months, rather than aiming too high, e.g., I want to date 20 people during the first six months this year.

Of course, you can date 20 people, but you might not be there yet.

Another thing you need to do is to prepare yourself properly.

Unless you are prepared for dating, you will inevitably fail.

The same is true unless you are fixing the second priority as well.

Priority 2: Your Mindset Matters Too

Your mindset matters in dating, which I have covered in great detail in this blog.

Because your results in dating are a result of your expectations.

Your expectations are a reflection of your mindset, and they will determine how you feel about the person you are dating and your results.

If you don’t feel connected, your tone and expectations will adjust according to them.

However, if you feel a connection, the opposite will happen.

So remember that your attitude always matters.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your attitude to dating as a whole or the particular person you’re dating.

Your attitude will determine how successful you will be in dating.

close up photo of a nice frog isolated on white MySXjywd
A Frog Is Always a Frog, and a Toad Is Always a Toad. They Are Never Prince Charming.

Priority 3: Your Behaviour

As you probably know already, your behavior matters.

Because if you would mistreat a person, do you think this person would like to hang around with you?

If you just said yes, you’d better think again!

The truth is that nobody wants to stay with a person who mistreats them for long, not even if they are married to this person.

It might seem strange that I only make this the third priority, but it is because the other two preferences affect your behavior that made it the fourth one.

Your behavior is one of the keys that determines whether you fail or succeed in dating.

So don’t be a toad or a frog; be prince/princess charming!

Priority 4: Treat Your Date Nicely

The person you are dating is the next thing you need to consider.

If you do not treat your date nicely, they will leave or never go out with you on a second date.

So always treat the person you’re dating with the utmost respect.

Also, make sure you display your best behavior at any given time.

Even when it is treating people around you nicely.

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Always treat your date as well as possible, displaying your best behaviorally.

Priority 5: Make a Stunning First Impression

The fifth and final priority is what kind of clothes you will be wearing.

Because clothes tell a story about who you are and what you want with this relationship.

Your appearance does matter.

It takes roughly 10 seconds for someone to make an opinion about you, and this might sound very shallow, but always make sure that you look your best on every date you have.

For this reason, you must plan how to make a stunning first impression on your date in advance.

I can not stress the importance of the first impression enough.

If you click the link above, you will find more tips on making a first impression that will last beyond the first date.

How to Build Successful Relationships

These four priorities are the keys to successful dating and guide how to build successful relationships.

Of course, there is a lot more to a relationship than a date.

In a relationship, your priorities should always focus on the needs and want of the other person.

That is the key to a successful relationship; ask anyone who’s married!

Your needs and wants should be your last priority.

Respect and the ability to listen to the other person are also important, just like humor and teasing are.

Because it is only when you know how to do these things you can hope to get a successful long-term relationship.

dating, relationships, parent paradox
Do You Know the Key to Successful Relationships? It Is Revealed Above.

Successful Long-Term Relationships

If you want to build successful long-term relationships, you need to be able to make an emotional connection with a woman, and there is no real mystery to that.

Because you need to know what triggers your romantic partner physically, psychologically, and emotionally.

This is the reason why dating is a great start for a relationship.

You are making discoveries every single date you’re on, no matter if it is the person you are dating or it is yourself.

Both are equally important!

Unfortunately, if you discover things you don’t like about your date, there is nothing you can do about it.

All you can do is ask yourself if you can put up with the things you don’t like about this person in the long run, especially if you’ll find them annoying from the start.

Remember that you can only change one person: Yourself.

You might discover things you don’t like about yourself on this journey, but it is okay since you can work on those things.

I have made a lot of discoveries myself that I didn’t like.

Guess what I did back then?

I started to work with myself and improved and grew as a human being.

Remember that humans are like mustard seeds. You need to grow to reach your full potential.

a single mustard seed resting on the tip of a finger HXNZJyzeR
Human beings are like mustard seeds. They need to grow to reach their full potential.

This was my discovery, and I hope you will also come to the same conclusion.

It doesn’t matter who you are or who you want to date.

The law of the mustard seed applies to every one of us.

This is the best method to discover and unlock your true potential.*

If you click the link above and purchase the product featured in the video, I will get a small commission. I want to be transparent with you.

For more information, please read the full affiliate disclosure.


There are a few conclusions you can make:

  • Start focusing on yourself and prioritize how you look.
  • Focus on your behavior.
  • Treat your date and everyone around you nicely, and show off your best behavior at any given time.
  • If you find things you don’t like about your date, then consider if this is something you can put up with or not.
  • If you discover things you don’t like yourself, follow the law of the mustard seed and grow. I recommend that you take a look at this video.*

You are now at the end of this article. I hope you have enjoyed it!

If you did, please don’t hesitate to click on one of the top or bottom buttons to share it with your friends.

You can also leave a comment below if you would instead do that.

All comments on every article are read and monitored manually, so it might take some time before it is published.

Now, there’s just one more thing to do…

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 12th of January, 2018.

It will be a review of a dating product for women.

Have a great week,


About the author

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