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You might be asking yourself: What are dating red flags, and why should they matter to me?
The truth is that they matter, since you should look out for them.
They are especially essential to look for if you are speed dating, on a blind date, or any other kind of the first date.
Below, you will find some common things that should raise your red flags.
Dating red flags are basically things you need to look for when you meet someone for the first time, or if you’re meeting that person for the first time in person.
You don’t really get to know someone unless you meet in person.
Here is one of the most common red flag…
Dating Red Flags
What is one of the most common dating red flag to look for?
Most times, we tend to forget the red flags that we should have spotted at first, just because we want to give the other person the benefit of the doubt, and hope that we are wrong.
Unfortunately, most of the times, our first notion is the right one.
One of the most common dating red flag that should raise all of your red flags is lying.
If you catch somebody lying to you, it might be tempting to give them the benefit of the doubt once, but as a fair warning to you, if you start doing it, you might continue doing it and rationalize it.
That is a hazardous habit since it might put you in dangerous situations.
For your own safety, I strongly advise you NOT to do it even once.
You should always listen to the little voice inside of your head, that is telling you that there is something wrong, and that is my best advice to you.
To avoid it from happening to you, you should follow some best practices.
No matter if you’re a man or a woman, you should always tell a trusted friend, or family member, the following things:
- Who you are going to meet
- Where this person lives
- Contact information to your date
- Schedule a call from the person you, so that if you haven’t got in touch with that person, he or she will give you a call
- Search online and see if that person is who he or she is claiming to be.
- If you have a profile name, you can use services like Cray Rate to see that person’s rating BEFORE you go and see that person IRL
Here are a couple of other best practices that you should follow.

Dating Red Flags Checklist
For your own safety, I decided to share a checklist on things you should be on the lookout for when you meet somebody for the first time and starts dating:
- He or she is lying to you and keep making lies to you, and accuse you of having a bad memory.
- He or she wants to spend a lot of time with you during late-night hours.
- The person is jealous and expresses it.
- He or she always wants to know what you’re doing at all hours of the day, and insists that it is their right to know it, but aren’t as transparent with his or her whereabouts.
- The person does not respect your boundaries.
- He or she is extremely flaky.
- He or she is in a “secret” relationship with you.
- Bashing on his or her ex, and blaming them for the failure of that relationship.
If you are dating someone who makes all the boxes on my red flags checklist above ticked, you’d better run away quickly.
Since I talked a lot about lying above, I will not discuss it more here.
However, since I have shared seven more tips with you, I will discuss them in a little bit more detail in the continuation of this article.

Dating Red Flag #1: He or she isn’t respecting your boundaries
You have set your boundaries once.
They are making you feel safe, sound, and separates your private sphere from the public sphere when you are interacting with strangers.
Everyone should respect your boundaries.
If your date doesn’t respect the boundaries you have set, and continuously is trying to make you change them to fit his or her ideas, that is a definite red flag.
It is a matter of respect, and if he or she isn’t respecting your boundaries, then that person isn’t respecting you, or your right to privacy.
It shouldn’t be something you should have to change.
If you’re having trouble setting your boundaries, here are some useful insights that may help you set them.
Dating Red Flag #2: The person is EXTREMELY jealous and expresses it clearly
Another red flag is if you notice that the person is jealous to the extreme, and isn’t afraid of expressing it.
Jealous behaviour will show itself in a couple of ways, such as:
- He or she is expressing that they wished they would spend more time with you and are jealous when you spend time with your friends (or even children or family)
- The person expresses that he or she doesn’t like that you have to work or do any other things that means that you are away
- He or she is always questioning you, and want to know all about your whereabouts, and who you have met if you have spent time away from him or her
If you spot any or all of the flags, all your alarm bells should start to sound.
That is a real concern, and should raise all of your red flags.
Dating Red Flag #3: Only want to spend a lot of time with you during late hours
Here is another dating red flag that should raise a lot of concern in you.
There is only one reason why someone wants to spend a lot of time with you during late hours.
That reason is a three-letter word that I think you already can guess.
He or she is only spending time with you, wishing that the two of you will end up in the bedroom together, and tells you a lot about how that person thinks about your relationship.
You are basically that person’s booty-call.
Dating Red Flag #4: He or she is flaky to the extreme
If he or she continually is making all those BIG PLANS with you but never shows up to fulfil your expectations, it is another red flag.
A flaky person is an unreliable person.
It is the dating equivalent of ghosting in online dating.
A flaky person can’t be trusted, and it can only mean two things if a person is making big plans and claims but never goes through with them:
- He or she is either a dishonest person, who doesn’t deserve your trust or
- That person is cheating on his or her partner
No matter which option you think is the right one, you should leave ASAP.
Dating Red Flag #5: He or she calls your relationship a secret
If he or she refers to your relationship and dates as a secret, it is a cause for alarm.
It might be one of the biggest dating red flags you will ever come across.
As I told you above, it is not just one of the red flags, but also a sure sign of a dishonest person.
You are someone he or she is sneaking with, and not the main relationship.
If you are concerned about it, you may appreciate these signs that are typical of a cheater.
In that article, you will discover the tell-tale signs of a cheater.
Dating Red Flag #6: Bashing on the ex
Surely, we have all been going through bad relationships.
A little bit of criticism, as well as some blame, isn’t necessarily a cause for raising a red flag on a date.
However, there is a difference between this and bashing on the ex.
If he or she is continually blaming and shaming their exes for the end of those relationships, all your red flags shall be waiving.
If the person says anything of the following, start waiving those red flags:
- I wanted to… but he/she didn’t…
- When I did this… my ex did that…
- All my dreams and hopes where crushed…
- My ex always did things I wasn’t comfortable with, and it was hurtful to me
- I only wished that I have been looking through my ex’s phone
All of those sentences are cause for alarm, and all of them are dating red flags in their own right.
There are a lot other things that are dating red flags as well.
It is by no mean every sentence that these people will use, but look at how the person behaves when he or she is mentioning the ex.
It will help you determine whether the person is honest or not.
If the person looks away or is flickering with their eyes, avoiding any direct eye contact with you, it is a red flag.
Dating Red Flag #7: Always want to know your whereabouts, but aren’t as transparent about his or her whereabout themselves
I discussed this dating red flag a little bit above.
A person who has a freakish need for control will always want to know your whereabouts, always insists on spending time with you, but will be avoidant when speaking about his or her whereabouts.
It is the last and final dating red flag that I wanted to share with you right here, even if there are some other that are more gender-specific.
Dating Site Red Flags
What are the red flags to look out for if you meet your next date online?
Well, there are a set of different rules that applies then, compared to the checklist that I shared with you above.
You will find all of the dating site red flags in this article.
There are a couple of other articles that you may appreciate as well on the same topic that you will find on this blog.
I hope that you enjoyed this article, that is very informative, and if you did, you might want to share it by tapping or clicking one of the buttons on the left side.
I wish you a fantastic day,
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