What Makes a Man Fall in Love?




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Hi! It’s April D. Long again, and I will begin this guest blog post with a question that might seem odd at first but hang on, I’ll explain it soon enough, and you will understand everything!

How to Kiss Him

Are you allowing him to run the conversation?

I was asked this question by a friend of mine, Heather.

First, I didn’t know what she meant by saying that.

Later she explained it all to me, and it made perfect sense.

It turns out that I have always allowed Aaron to run the conversation in our relationship,

without ever realizing it or knowing what I should do about it.

Some men think they run the relationship, while other men actually do.

It is not a woman’s fault!

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Are You Allowing Him to Run the “Conversation”?

We love the unique bond we share with the man in our lives, whether he is your boyfriend or husband really doesn’t matter.

Men do not think about relationships like we do, which I discussed in a previous post on this blog.

For them, it only matters that we are skinny, young and looks innocent, at least that’s my own experience with Aaron. He was always looking at other women.

I didn’t think about it much at the beginning, but after the birth of my second child, it became so obvious and clear.

It was like if he constantly physically and mentally abused me. It was like he told me: You’re not good enough, your big fat cow, the mother of my children, why aren’t you young, skinny, sweet and innocent like you were in high-school?

Of course, he never said anything like this. But it was all too obvious to me, so I started to think about what I could do about it.

Recently, I spoke with my friend Heather. She lives a couple of doors away from me, and we are in the same car-pool.

Her husband, Alphonse, is the soccer coach of my daughter Tammy’s soccer game and she and Heather’s daughter, Susan, are in the same class too and has been on play-dates since they were both three years old and are best friends. Naturally, we hang out together a lot.

It was a while after Aaron’s infidelity that I opened up to Heather about our ”situation”. It really felt like I was the only one in our relationship. Just like Aaron emotionally abandoned our children and me.

Even though his infidelity ended, I felt like I was a used toy, who wasn’t interesting to him any longer. Heather, comforted me and asked me ”Do you allow Aaron to run the conversation?

I looked at her and asked her: ”What do you mean by that?

She then explained that men are taught from early childhood that they shall not show emotions, that women should be the sensitive ones in the relationship.

But guess what: Men also have emotions, they have these ”layers of protection” to cover their emotions from the outside world. Needless to say, it’s hard to penetrate these ”layers”.

This was mind-blowing when Heather explained the last part to me. It was a real eye-opener. That was the reason why I have felt ”locked out” and like the one.

Heather told me that Alphonse, although he never cheated on her, wasn’t looking at her the way he used to when they first met. You see, they met when Heather was travelling Europe, in Paris, France. He was one of the few guys who could speak English properly because he was half-British too.

Needless to say, he was a great kisser, and the sex was awesome. His muscular body and combination of foreign accents combined were an irresistible combination to Heather when she was just in her early 20s.

All that changed, however after their birth of Susan. They seldom kissed, and he became distant to her. She felt like she was the only one in their relationship.

I was shocked, she never told me this before, but she also told me why. ”You see, April, she said, I was ashamed. That is why I have always been trying to be the perfect stay-at-home mom who baked, carpooled and cooked for my family. I thought that if I was Mrs Perfect, I could get Alphonse to return to the relationship.”

She then told me that she had opened up to Alphonse’s sister, Lauren, who told her that she had a similar experience with Fredric, her husband. He had actually ”commanded” her to ”kiss him like she used to” and she didn’t understand what he meant by that.

First, she thought that it meant that she had to use some ”mind-games” and she turned to the Internet and all she got was a lot of crappy advice that told her to dress sexy, talk dirty to Fredric and use these ”mind-games” to get her way with him. Basically, it was all about manipulation and seduction.

It’s what men want or at least if you are reading a lot of magazines like Cosmo and online dating advice by mostly men ”relationship experts”, isn’t it?

Most so-called ”relationship experts” are just second-guessing themselves and do not know what really works in real life; they are just recycling stuff that never works but sounds good when you put it in print!

Needless to say, she tried all the tricks she was told and guess what? Nothing worked!

Lauren was desperate and was almost on her way to give up when she stumbled on a video by a real dating expert, Michael Fiore. You might not have heard about him before, but he is a renowned expert who has helped dozens of women all over the world to get the relationship they want.

She listened to the video and then signed up to his expensive one-on-one coaching program. It was almost half a month’s full salary for her, but she felt like she had nothing to lose. On one of the calls, he explained to her that she has to kiss Fredric and that she had to kiss him in a way that ”unarms” his emotional defences.

He explained to her that a kiss is actually a conversation and that every kiss shall tell any man she kisses 3 things and that this for a fact is not something most women realize.

Michael also told her that most normal women feel appalled by the idea of talking dirty but that men still want it.

He also told her that there are 4 principle kisses and that a woman needs to combine all four to make her man commit to her. Done properly, this will make him fall in love with you over and over again.

Lauren tried what Michael has taught her on Fredric the next day. He took her straight to the bedroom, and they made love like they haven’t done in years. She was so excited, so she told her sister-in-law as fast as she could.

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This can be you tonight if you learn how to run the conversation.

Now, unfortunately, Heather is quite the gossipmonger and has never been good at keeping a secret.

When she met one of her closest friends, Mary, she couldn’t help herself but spilt the beans.

In all fairness, Mary is a 41-year-old woman who recently divorced and met a man named Larry, who is 46 and works as a salesperson, so he travels a lot. When Heather told Mary what she has learned from her sister-in-law, Mary used it the same night on Larry. The result was amazing, to say the least. Let me tell you that it was steaming hot and she called Mary the next day and thanked her for giving her these tips.

When Lauren had her next session with Michael, she immediately told her, and he became absolutely furious about it.

This wasn’t something that was meant to be shared with anybody except Michael’s clients who paid him about $500 to get this advice in his ”private coaching class”.

Now, since another of his clients, Cassidy already has done something similar, he was already constructing a program. Cassidy’s story is quite similar to Lauren’s, I can tell you. You can listen to Cassidy’s story here.

Then Heather told me about it, and I tried the very same technique on Aaron, and he ravished me on the kitchen table before we could make it to the bedroom. Luckily, our children were already sleeping, so they didn’t hear us when we made love. You can be the next woman who experiences it. All it takes is a certain kissing technique that Cassidy share on this video.

4 Kinds of Kisses: Lip kiss, Romantic Kiss, Couple Kiss and Love Kiss.

Every kiss is a conversation, and I can tell you, from my own experience, that learning how to alter your kissing or in other words: how to change the ”conversation” is vital if you want to make him fall in love with you over and over again. It is so easy, and yet, so few women know about it. It is really a shame. Now, I can’t share everything with you to be fair to all the women who have already bought Michael’s course.

I discovered by myself that the kisses could be divided into at least four distinctive ”conversations”:

  • Lip kiss – This kind of kiss says ”I’m into you”. You may also rephrase it as a ”question” and ask: Do you love me? Your response is Yes, I do!
  • Romantic kiss – Most commonly referred to as a ”French kiss”. What you say with this kind of kiss is: I want you.
  • Couple kiss – The kind of kiss that says: You make me complete and I want to be close to you.
  • Love kiss – This kiss is a bit more intense than the lip kiss. It says I love you and when you kiss him back, you ”seal the deal” and say: I love you too.

There are, of course, a lot more, but I don’t want to give away all the secrets.

I found out about these when I helped Heather with the soccer team’s Facebook page that she manages. In her computer’s download folder I discovered a file named ”Magnetic Lips” which is written by Cassidy Lyon.

She is the one I have mentioned before, and it is her voice that you listen to in the video (link). You will learn how to get the lips that men can’t resist and are ”magnetically” attracted to.

I also found an amazing book that I later found out was the one who helped Mary. It is called How to sleep with a man, and Michael Fiore writes it. It will teach you how fast or slow you should go with a man depending on what kind of relationship you want.

The best book that I learned was a special bonus that I believe helped Lauren is called The Relationship Time Machine by Michael Fiore. You will not believe what this book will teach you. However, it is only available for the first 500 women who buy Michael’s entire program. Order your copy now!

You will learn how to instantly rewind his feelings for you and rekindle his passion and desire for you. It will be like when you went out on the first date, even if it has passed a decade or more. The things this book teaches you alone is worth every penny of the $37 that I paid, then again Michael might have raised the price. I don’t know.

You see, I felt guilty snooping around on Heather’s computer without her knowing it, so I actually bought the whole package myself.

kissing, infatuation, love, relationship, relationship advice
One way of learning infatuation is by kissing but that’s not all…

I can tell you, not only could I use the techniques on Aaron, he was so impressed that he simply can’t stop kissing me. It is absolutely amazing.

I can highly recommend it, and all women I have spoken about in this article would also like to appreciate it.

How to Kiss a Man Properly

To kiss him properly and to start and keep the ”conversation” going, you need to remember 3 things.

All your kisses need to ”say”;

  • You are safe.
  • You are powerful.
  • I give myself to you because I am valuable, and you have earned me.

When your kisses are doing these things simultaneously, you will get him to stay with you forever. He will not even look at other women!

It is that powerful. Why? Because these things will make him feel like ”the man” in your relationship so you can concentrate on being the woman.

Still not convinced? Watch the video right now.

I hope you have enjoyed my article and I also hope that you watch the video. You deserve to be in charge of your own happiness without ever feeling anxiety or hesitation that he looks at younger women.

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When you use the techniques, he won’t have any woman other than you in his mind.

Trust me. I can vouch that it works and so can Heather, Cassidy, Mary, and Lauren too!

Watch the video and hear Cassidy’s story.

Note: The author of this article will get a small compensation if you purchase the product featured in this article. The product is neither endorsed nor affiliated with Chi Rho Dating and does not express the official views or ideas of this blog. The result may vary between different people, and you may not experience the same results as described in this article.

I will get back on November the 1st and discuss more kissing.


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April D. Long

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