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Today, I will reveal the one thing you must do to get a hot girlfriend.
Before I reveal it, I need to tell you that it’s not what you think.
You can do it the next time you see a hot girl; I recommend you do it tonight or preferably right now.
Listen, I know we’re all busy, so I’ll get straight to the point.
We all have busy lives and much to do, so if you want to know what to do, you must watch the video now (it will be gone within 24 hours).
The secret and leaked video reveals how to get a hot girlfriend now.*
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Since we all have busy lives, you must grab her attention ASAP.

I can’t tell you everything about it, except that you must get your body language right if you want to get a hot girlfriend.
When you converse with any girl, she will test you.
However, hot girls use what I call “the Guppy test.”
This is the main difference between an ordinary girl and a hot, attractive girl dressed in a flashy, revealing way.
You need to know how to pass this test to get a hot girl to make out with you or talk to you. It’s the same way Goldfishes and Guppies used to attract females.
Discover how to pass the “Guppy test” to get a hot girl out on a date.
One particular tell-tale sign will “tell” you if you have passed this test and whether she likes you.
You will notice that she will be looking at a specific body part.
No, it’s not your genitals.
It’s a body part we share with the fishes I mentioned earlier in this article and most living creatures on Earth.
This video reveals which body part she will be looking at if she’s interested in you.*
The same video reveals two other seduction secrets as well.
You should start to practice it immediately.
Maybe for a minute or two when you spot a hot girl initially and then lower it until you find the sweet spot.
The sweet spot will probably be within 30-40 seconds.
I have used it myself to attract hot girls effortlessly, so I do know that this is a thing that works.
It will help you get a hot girlfriend; I’m confident!

What to Do to Avoid the Awkward Silence on a First Date
If you have successfully asked her out on a date, one of two things will happen. I know this because it has happened to me as well.
In the first scenario, which is the best one, you discover that you have a lot of common interests and a lot to discuss.
The conversation flows naturally.
In tIn the second scenario, which is revealed in the title of this part of my article, is that you start to discuss many different topics, and then suddenly…
It happens!
You suddenly discover that you have absolutely nothing to discuss, and the awkward silence slowly emerges or happens immediately.
This has happened to me many times in the past.
I especially remember when I asked a girl out on a date.
This was in my first year of the university, and I finally dared to ask a girl out who I noticed was checking me out in the lecture hall.
I still remember how she got my attention.
If you’ve ever seen the film Legally Blonde with Reese Witherspoon, you know what I’m talking about.
It reveals the same technique she used to get my attention.
If not, I highly recommend you watch it since it will give you insights into the female psyche, which is priceless.

I asked her, and we got out on a date after one of the lectures.
We talked about everything, especially the lecture we had just attended, and then continued to discuss our plans.
Without any warning, it happened: The awkward silence.
It was dreadful, and since I was a bit inexperienced, I desperately tried to get a new conversation going.
I wasn’t successful, and the date ended in total failure.
We never went out on a second date, but the most important thing this experience taught me was the importance of conversation.
I only wished I knew the one thing I do know now, but I guess that’s the thing called life, and I am grateful for having discovered the best method to get a conversation going, even if it seemed “dead” a few seconds ago.
Since conversation is such a massive part of human relationships, you might get panicked.
But luckily for you, I do have a solution.
Watch the video revealing the bizarre trick to avoid awkward dating silence.*

Another thing that will make her think you’re hot is always acting with confidence.
Yes, confidence is also vital on first dates.
If she looks at other guys, don’t panic! She’s only testing you!
The best way to do it is to ignore that and continue, as it won’t bother you because if you allow her to notice it, she will never be your girlfriend.
I’m sorry to tell you the bad news here. This is the truth.
She will appreciate this because she won’t think of you as a needy guy.
Just as we men don’t want a needy girlfriend, she does not want a needy boyfriend. It goes both ways.
This is the reason why she’s testing you in the first place.
Another thing that you might or might not know is that women put a lot of importance on the first kiss, which I will discuss next.
Will a Kissing Technique Turn Her On?
The short answer to this question is: Yes.
The longer and more honest answer is: It depends on how well you do it.
As I wrote above, women think the first kiss is significant.
So, this is the reason why you should bother about it. It doesn’t come down to being a good kisser or not.
What matters is to kiss her the right way.
The best way to do this is to let her kiss you first.
Yes, that’s right! Let her be the one to kiss you!
This is such a turn-on for women that my buddy Joshua Pellicer revealed it to me, and I know it is true.
It is one of the things I changed recently, and it has dramatically helped me.
The worst thing you can do when you try to kiss a girl is hesitated because if you do, she will become more reserved, and you won’t get her to kiss you first.
This is, after all, the golden rule of kissing.

Watch this video and get her to kiss you first.*
It works as an instant attraction.
Before I end this article, I do have a final question for you:
Have you ever seen old couples that are buying matching clothes?
You might not know this, but it’s something called mirroring, and although you might not think it’s relevant, it is.
When you mirror somebody’s behavior, you create a powerful, secret, mental, profound psychological, and instant attraction to another human being.
If you do this correctly, she will instantly think you know how to treat women.
It will help you become more successful with women in general.
Even more so, you will make her relax around you and make her mental walls come trembling down.
She will be into you and willing to take the next step with you.
Next Article
My next article will be published on the 8th of October, 2018.
It will discuss ways to compliment her.
Have a great and successful day,
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