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Dating Tips for Women: What Men Do Not Want You to Know

dating tips for women, what men do not want women to know, male secrets in relationships

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In this article, I will share some dating tips for women.

Especially the things men do not want you to know about, what they will never share with you.

Some men will hate me for revealing this.

However, I only think that it is fair to you to reveal this stuff, and since I am a man myself, you will be getting it from the source.

As you soon will realize, I have collected my best dating tips for women that men do not want you to know about in this article with the primary goal of helping you get a relationship you deserve and desire.

Here are a couple of the dating tips that I will share with you in this article:

  • What a man wants in a woman
  • What he will always crave from you
  • Why is he obsessed with certain body parts of yours?
  • Why do men stay, and why do they leave the woman they claim to love
  • What you can do to make a man love you forever

As a bonus, I will share a couple of other dating tips for women with you as well.

Are you excited about it?

If you are, please share this article with your friends since it will share some great insights and some of the best dating tips for women on the Internet in 2020 and beyond…


Dating Tips for Women: What a Man Wants in a Woman

What is it that a man wants in a woman, and what is the craving for a relationship with you?

These are two of the most common questions that I get from women.

You might think that it is just sex, and even if sex is a huge part of a relationship for a man, there is something else that he will secretly crave.

Men want the following things from a woman:

  • The ability to understand him as no other person does
  • Giving him support and love, no matter what he wants to do in life
  • Being vulnerable with you and discussing things that he can’t consider with anyone else, like emotions and his most inner secrets, wishes, and dreams

These are what he wants in a woman from an overview perspective.

You can read more about it in other articles on this blog, like What a Man Wants in a Woman.

When he feels and thinks that you understand him as no other human being does on Earth, he will crave your attention, he wants to spend more time with you, and he will share everything with you.

To connect with a man the right way, you have to communicate with him in both a psychological and logical manner, as well as in an emotional way.

Only then can he give you the relationship that you desire and deserve.

Unfortunately, most women only think about the emotional connection and forget that you have to connect with him logically too.

I could rant about whose fault this is, but I won’t.

If you want to connect with him emotionally, you should read my articles.

I recommend reading these dating tips for women: What Creates a Connection with a Man and How to Make Him Fully Commit to You.

I cover the emotional connection needed to give you the relationship you truly deserve in those two articles.

When you give him emotional support, he will confide in you.

Making him feel good about himself and supporting his dreams is another essential thing here.

All humans have an emotional side and a logical side.

Most dating products for women only focus on their emotional side and forget abouttheirs logical side.

Whenever you propose, you appeal to his logical side.

You might think that it is his emotional side, but you are appealing to his logical side as soon as he has something to lose.

Making him think about something is great.

Just think about something you want him to do for you, your relationship, or something you want to do with him.

Instead of nagging, which men hate, you should propose it to him in a way that makes it feel exciting and like he has something to win by doing it.

Trust me. He will do whatever you want when you do this.

Of course, you can convince him to make him do whatever you want him to do by doing one sexual thing that he will appreciate, covered in this video.*

That is a more emotional way to make him do what you want to.

When you do it, he will feel more vulnerable, emotionally connected, and willing to do whatever you want him to do.

He will never look at other women ever again.

From my experience, I can tell you that it makes him genuinely love and appreciate you.

Watch this video to make him connect with you emotionally.*

Dating Tips for Women: Why Men Are Obsessed About Certain Body Parts of Yours

Something I always try to avoid discussing is certain body parts.

However, I recognize that we men are obsessed with certain body parts that women have that we men do not.

There is, of course, a reason for this.

Big breasts and big bums are signs, not just of great beauty, but also natural signs that you are well-nurtured and can feed the offspring well.

Even if this isn’t a huge problem today, it has been historically.

When resources were scarce, and starvation and high child mortality rates were a reality, women with big bums and breasts could feed their offspring better and give them a higher chance to reach adulthood.

For this reason, men are still obsessed with women having either one or preferably both body parts to be more significant than the average woman.

Dating Tips for Women: What He Is Craving for in You

So, what is the craving for in you?

He is looking for some personality traits in you, but he wants you to think about your body parts.

Any man is looking for:

  • Emotional connection with a woman
  • The intimacy that not only gives him sex but also makes him want to provide you with many kisses and hugs and shows that you understand him on a deeper level than his boss or colleagues do
  • Humour is an essential part of a great relationship, and if you can make him laugh and e the same sense of humor, you will be able to get a great relationship with him fast.

My attraction formula, which works for both men, and women alike, will create instant attraction and trust in him.

You can read more about the attraction formula here.

Dating Tips for Women: Why Men Leave Women They Love

One of the giant puzzles in relationships that you might have experienced yourself, possibly many times, is why men leave a woman they claim to love.

Sometimes, it is that the man is afraid to commit to you.

Other times, it is because you did something or even said something that scared him away.

Here is what you can do to make him stay with you.

Dating Tips for Women: Why Men Stay with Women They Love

It is not that the women who can convince a man to stay are in luck or knows more about men than you do.

They are not just better at fishing.

So, perhaps they have more full nets that they can cast out on deeper waters to catch bigger, better fishes than you can do?

There is a bait-and-hook method that I have shared with you in the past.

To make any man stay, even if he is afraid of committing to you, you need to know this method to reel him in.

I hope it makes sense to you.

Watch this video to learn more about the bait-and-hook method to catch any man you desire.*


Dating Tips for Women: What You Can Do to Make a Man Love You Forever

Before I end this comprehensive guide, filled with some of the best dating tips for women on the Internet in 2020, I want to share what you can do to make a man love you forever.

As you probably realized, there are three things you must satisfy in a man to make him love you forever:

  1. His sexual desires
  2. His emotional desires
  3. His logical desires

Once you know how to fulfill all three of them, you will be able to make a man love you forever to give you the relationship you both deserve and desire.

He will never leave you if you can satisfy them.

If you want to know about them and what men want more than sex, you owe it to yourself to watch this video now.*

I hope that you now understand what makes a man love you forever.

Once you know about it, you will be able to get the relationship you both deserve and desire with the man you love.

The man you know is perfect for you.


I hope you enjoyed these dating tips for women since it is the most truthful and comprehensive guide to help you bait and hook any man you desire to get the relationship you deserve.

If you didn’t decide to share it and couldn’t read the full version of it, you might just have lost the man you love forever.

I wish you a fabulous day,


About the author: Rickard Is The Head Blogger Of Chi Rho Dating Since Summer 2015 And Is Also The Dating Coach Of The Dating Website ChristianDatingInternational.Com.

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