How to Get Out of a Friend Zone




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In this article, I will discuss how you can get out of a friend zone quickly.

The friend zone can also be described as the comfort zone, the zone where someone puts you when he or she isn’t really sure about their own opinions and emotions about you.

I have lost count on how many times I ended up there myself.

It is hard when you realize that you want a different kind of relationship than the other person wants, isn’t it?

I guess that you are in this situation right now.

That is probably the reason why you landed on this article in the first place.

You are stuck in a friend zone with someone who you want a romantic relationship with, right?

Then you are in luck, because I’m about to reveal the exact method to escape the friend zone quick, easy, and without very much effort because all you have to do is one thing and one thing only.

It is not what you think you should do, I can tell you that right now.

I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman because there is only one true way to get out of the friend zone.

For this reason, I will give advice to both men and women here.

So, depending on who you are, you might want to read different sections of this article.

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So, let’s dive fearlessly in and discover how to escape the friend zone now.

friends at the bar
Would you like to stay in the friend zone with someone you’re attracted to? I guess the answer would be no, right? In the following sections, I will reveal some tactics that you can use to escape the friend zone today.

Why Did You End Up in the Friend Zone?

Before you can escape the friend zone, you need to figure out why you ended up in the friend zone in the first place, right?

Knowledge is the key that will set you free.

So when you start analyzing why you ended up in the friend zone, you will know if it’s the person you love’s fault or your own for getting there.

Honestly, it might be your own fault and you have to realize that.

It might be something you said, texted, or did towards this person that made you ended up there.

After a careful analysis, I figured out why I always ended up in the friend zone.

So, I thought about my behavior and my texts and found my mistake.

Then, I changed one thing and after that, I achieved what I wanted.

The reason why you keep ending up in the friend zone might be:

  • You’re unattractive. It can actually be that you are an unattractive person. Remember that attraction has more to it than just good looks. It also has to do with your mindset and your behaviour.
  • You’re doing the same mistakes over and over again. If you don’t do an analysis, you won’t know what you need to correct in order to get someone to fall in love with you.
  • You try to talk your way out of the friend zone. Words won’t get you out of the friend zone, I am sorry to say. Actions always speak louder than words, so if you want to escape the friend zone, you need to act on your words because talk is cheap, right?
  • You’re trying too much. I admit that it might sound ridiculous but if you’re trying to make someone fall in love with you, you might become a bit desperate and desperation rejects people. Try to be more relaxed, okay?
  • You blame others for your failure. I don’t care who you blame because chances are that you keep blaming others for mistakes that you have made yourself. Put the blame on the one person where it belongs; on you. You are only using your past failures as an excuse for not making any changes to yourself. Accept that you are an imperfect being and forgive yourself and move on.

These are the 5 most common reasons why singles stay in the friend zone and never get into a relationship with another human being.

get out of the friend zone with a guy,
get out of the friend zone with a girl, get out of the friend zone
Do you want to enjoy the company of another human being? In that case, you will benefit from what I wrote above as well as what you will find below.

Get Out of the Friend Zone with a Guy

If you want to get out of the friend zone with a guy, here are 7 great tips for you to finally be able to get out of the friend zone for good:

  1. Accept it. Even though your female intuition tells him that you are a match made in heaven, your friendship needs divine intervention if he’s going to change his opinion about you.
  2. Get over yourself. If you don’t change your behaviour, your habits, and your mindset you will never be able to escape the friend zone with this guy. The one thing that might set you up for success by changing your mindset.
  3. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You need to change your mindset because you are negative and this won’t help you. Negativity attracts more negativity into your life while positivity attracts more positivity into your life.
  4. Stop being overly obsessive about getting him. Don’t view him as anything more than a friend and don’t text him as often as if you were his girlfriend. That will freak him out, I promise you!
  5. Don’t nag, rant, or tell him the story of your life. Nothing is more boring than hearing someone nagging, ranting, or telling you their life story, when you never asked for it. That will definitely put you in the friend zone forever.
  6. Leave him alone. Don’t text, call, or try to spend time with him. Show him that you accept that you are friends since this will allow him to miss you and the truth to be told: When he misses you, he might fall in love with you. This is how human beings fall in love.
  7. Go out on dates with other guys. If he said that you are just friends, show him that you respect his decision and get out with other guys on hot dates. Because you know the saying: A boy doesn’t want to play with a toy before another boy starts to play with it. The same is true with men.

There you have my 7 best tips to escape the friend zone.

If you want some more tips, look at the conclusion at the end of this article where I sum up my tips for both men and women.

Get Out of the Friend Zone with a Girl

If you want to get out of the friend zone with a girl, here are my 7 best tips for leaving the friend zone with her forever:

  1. Go out on other dates with other girls. So she has put you in the friend zone, so what? Show her that you respect and accept her decision and get out on dates with other girls and enjoy them!
  2. Stop feeling sorry about yourself. The two of you might not be fit for each other. So start doing things that you enjoy and don’t feel guilty about it.
  3. Invest in yourself. You should take this time to really invest in yourself, start to work out, become fit, and open up yourself to positive things.
  4. Leave her alone. Don’t stalk her on social media, text, or call her obsessively. In fact, don’t contact her at all for a while and let time work in your favour. Because it is when you’re not around her all the time that she starts to miss your company and this is also how humans fall in love with each other.
  5. Stop asking for permission. You don’t need her permission or her approval on what you’re doing. You’re just friends, so you don’t have to ask her for anything. You don’t owe her anything, she’s not your girlfriend!
  6. Get over yourself. You need to change and become the best version of yourself if you ever want her to become your girlfriend.
  7. If she asks you for advice on men, don’t give it to her. She rejected you, so her problems are not yours but her own.

These were my 7 best tips to escape the friend zone.

As promised, this is the one thing you need to do if you want to escape the friend zone.

Before I end this article, I will conclude my article for you.


No matter who you are or who you are looking for, most of us have been in the situation where someone you had romantic feelings for said to you “let’s just be friends”, thereby effectively putting you in the so-called friend zone.

The best way is to respect his or her decision and start dating others.

If he or she rejected you, you don’t need his or her permission to start enjoying to go on dates with others.

Never give the person who rejected you romantic advice.

Also, remember to not contact him or her every single day, don’t give him or her that kind of satisfaction. You don’t need this person in your life.

Human beings fall in love with another human being when that person is not around.

Remember this if you ever want to escape the friend zone.

how to become an alpha male
Be a force of positivity, if you want to escape the friend zone

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 8th of April 2019.

It will reveal how women can use the law of attraction to catch a guy.

To your success,


About the author

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