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Best Dating Tips
In today’s short little article, I will share some of the best practices about dating today.
Essentially, you will get the best dating tips that are currently available.
There is a lot to think about if you haven’t been on the dating scene for a while.
I hope this article will shed some light on dating for you and provide you with new insights and a renewed confidence in you because this is one of the key factors in dating online as well as offline.
Learn more below…

Internet Dating Tips
I will begin this article by covering some internet dating tips first.
Most singles today start their dating on an app or a specialized dating website.
In this article, you can find 3 free tips on where you can start to achieve online dating success.
This method of looking for that special someone has gained an increasing acceptance in the last decade and today about 15% of all singles in the United States of America alone have tried online dating on one or multiple dating websites or apps.
The first step after you have joined a website or app is to take a good photo of yourself.
Now, there are differences between the genders that affect your chances of internet dating success like whether you should take it indoors or in the great outdoors if it should be a professionally taken picture or not, whether you should smile or not and so on.
I have written other articles about this in the past that discuss this in much further detail. The woman above has done a major mistake which I reveal for women exclusively in another article.
The second step is to write some text and also add some basic information about yourself, e.g. what zodiac sign you belong to, the color of your skin, hair, and eyes and the name of the city you live in.
Something that I myself have discovered to increase your chances of success is to be as truthful and as honest as you possibly can be.
When I write success, I mean going out on actual dates with someone, just to clarify what I actually mean with that word.
The third step is communication.
If you are going to be successful and dating one or several other singles, you have to communicate.
On apps and dating websites, it’s emails, instant messages and video chat that makes up the triangle of communication.
Don’t use abbreviation or slang but proper English or whatever language you use to communicate with a woman of your choice.
Send text messages and remember that women especially focuses a great deal on your body language when you are video chatting with each other or when you actually go out on a first date.
The fourth step is going out on an actual date.
I will give you some valuable tips about this in the next paragraph.
First Time Dating Tips
As promised, I will now deliver some first time dating tips for you.
When you’re going out on a date with someone for the first time, you need to put a lot of effort on your looks.
Let’s face it: We’re all humans and we are quite shallow and making the first impression is crucial when you are dating someone new and meeting him or her for the very first time.
To look your best, you might want to shave the body parts that are visible when you have your clothes like removing facial hair and having a shower so that you both smell and feel fresh when you are going out on a first date.
Another thing that matters is what you wear on the first date.
Wearing a suit makes a man look more serious as well as a woman that wears a white blouse and a black skirt.
Especially if you want a long-term, serious relationship, this will matter.
Where you are having the date might also influence how you dress, since some restaurants, clubs, theaters and other establishments might have certain dress codes that you have to abide.

The fifth step is communication and behavior. Once again, body language matters since this makes up about 60-80% of the communication between humans and the rest is what you say, how you say it and how you behave.
Since behavior matters there are things you should avoid of doing like chewing, farting, burping, scratching your hair and, of course, being rude to your date.
This is just five examples that I wrote, I am sure you can think about many other “don’ts”. Let’s remain positive and discuss some do’s then.
You should definitely agree on whether one of you will pay for the dinner or split between the two of you in advance. This is crucial!
By doing this, you won’t fight over such a minor detail.
I would suggest that you as a man at least should offer to pay the bill if you are in a restaurant.
If you have been in a theater, the opera or anywhere else where you pay for the tickets in advance, you should have discussed this issue with your date before you order the tickets.
What should you discuss on a first date?
There are a lot of things you want to discuss when you are starting your dating relationship with someone.
It is not a fully mature relationship just yet. Remember that!
My advice would be to start discussing a recent event that isn’t affected by your political view or affiliation. I have given you some examples in a previous article about 5 questions you can ask on a first date.
After the date is finished, you should split up and go your separate ways.
A good practice is that you discuss if and when you want to meet each other again on a second date.
By doing this at the end of the first date, you will end all the guess-work and insecurity about whether you should look for another first date or preparing yourself for a second date with the same person.
Tips on Dating
Would you like to get more tips on dating?
If you do, I recommend that you sign up for my free newsletter.
You will get a lot of useful information in it and the free gifts I am offering you are packed with useful information for men and women respectively.
In my next article, I will discuss how men can get the girl they want.
It will be published on Saturday the 29th of April 2017.
Have an awesome week,
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