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Why do girls test guys, and how can you pass her tests?
How to Pass a Girl’s Test
In today’s article, I will discuss why girls test guys.
You might not realize it, but girls and women are testing you whenever she feels something “fishy” about your behavior.
If she feels that you are not yourself or your behavior doesn’t match how you acted before, she will begin to test you immediately, as Bobby Rio and Rob Judge explain in this video:
I want to make some quick notes based on the video above:
I have always emphasized the importance of being yourself, and as you can read in another article, you need to learn how to fall into the “nice guy” trap.
Just as we don’t like needy girls, girls don’t like needy guys.
Girls sometimes pull back to see how you react, be aware of this testing too!
Watch this video now if you want to learn how to scramble with her mind.*
Why a Girl Will Test You
If you have watched the video I embedded in this article, you have a ton of helpful information to start using immediately.
You do know that girls like bad guys but might feel there’s something weird with you if you try to be fun the entire time. She might think you are uncertain about her and your feelings!
I have referred to this as the fun guy trap in the past.
I just came to think about something that I learned a couple of years ago but never have shared on this blog before:
Sometimes, we guys tend to do everything wrong when we have a romantic interest in a girl, while we do everything right before we develop that interest.
[Tweet “When a guy isn’t interested in a girl, he will do everything right to attract her. #DatingTips”]
It is where “the scrambler” becomes useful.
It will teach you four ways to make a girl romantically interested in you and keep that romantic spark going for a while to get more than just a date with her.
Dating is an art; always remember that you must fail to succeed. Yes, I mean this because this is how we learn to succeed and master things.
Remember when you first learned how to ride a bike?
How many times did you fail before you could succeed? Ten times? 15 times? 20 times or more? You tried and failed until you finally succeeded.
Just as learning how to ride a bike is challenging initially, so is dating.
The scrambler can be the shortcut you need to succeed, the one thing you could never have had when you learned to ride a bike. Learn how to use the scrambler now.*

Dating Should Be Intentional and Goal-Driven
It would help if you always had a clear idea of your intention and goal in dating.
You might think that the scrambler is only for guys who aren’t looking for long-term relationships.
You’re dead wrong!
It works for these kinds of relationships as well. Watch the video now, and learn how to apply it to your dating life.*
If you watch it to the end, you will learn the four ways to make her chase you.*
Remember that setting goals are essential in dating and that your dating also should be intent-driven. It is what will guarantee success in dating.
Learn how to apply the scrambler successfully and see if it makes any difference to you.*
Why don’t you give it a try?
All I am asking you to do is to watch the video and make up your mind if this is for you or not. If it’s not, it’s okay with me.
If it is for you, give yourself a promise right here and right now to watch it until the end because otherwise, you won’t apply this technique properly.
I think you owe it to yourself, don’t you agree?
If you said yes just now, you should click here and start watching because this video might hugely impact your future dating life.*
So now you know why girls test guys and, more importantly, what you can do to pass them.
Have a great day or evening,
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