What Are The Advantages of Dating Locally?




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In times like these, with self-quarantine and self-isolating, we might prefer to find love across the street rather than across the World.

So, are there any advantages to dating locally?

As with anything, each kind of dating has unique challenges and benefits.

Even if I am no stranger to dating women half-across the World, I still have to acknowledge that there are a lot of benefits for those who prefer to date locally, especially with the ongoing pandemic.

In my article, The Benefits of Dating Locally, I also discussed it.

If you are interested in dating men or women locally, you can read that article and this one.

It is when you are alone and single that you reflect on your current life situation and when your loneliness comes staring you in your face, that makes it painfully obvious:

I am single right now, but I need someone to love.

Below, I will share a couple of ways to help you find love and discuss some more local advantages to dating.

Advantage #1 of Dating Locally: It’s Convenient

One advantage of local dating is that it is convenient, right?

When you and the person you are dating are in the same area as you live, you will meet in familiar surroundings.

You might also walk to your date if it is not too far away from your home.

Of course, if your relationship won’t last, you will risk accidentally bumping into that person.

As with anything in life, there are two sides to it.

What if you can’t meet in person because of the current situation?

That is why dating apps are so great to use, and also social media; since most phones, today have built-in cameras, you can use them and see each other’s faces.

It is only one of many advantages of using video dating.

An added benefit is that it will make your date feel more “real” and that you meet “in person,” even if you’re confined to your own home.

Here I list all the advantages of using video as a dating tool.

Videos will create interaction between the two of you, and you will also note the other person’s body language when you ask questions.

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Dating On A Video Chat Works For Both Men And Women!

Advantage #2 of Dating Locally: You Can Find Topics to Discuss More Easily

Communication is the pivot of all dating.

One of the worst things that can happen on a date is an awkward silence when you run out of topics to discuss.

Here are five great questions to ask on a first date.

When you date someone who lives located close to you, you can discuss things that happened recently in your local community.

You might even decide to meet up at a place that both of you are familiar with or a new place that the two of you are curious about and want to try out, creating an interactive experience you can discuss later on.

In the current situation, at least when this article is written, there are a lot of restrictions in place that won’t allow you to do this.

As an alternative, I suggest that you become creative and do things like:

  • Bake something. Make your dating interactive in self-isolation. You can use video chat and use it.
  • Cook a new dish and challenge yourself. You can even cook it together by using video.
  • Dress up for the occasion. Whether on a virtual art display or watching a recorded opera, dressing up in formal clothing will make the experience more natural and fun.
  • Improvise. Do something crazy or just fun. It is a great way to impress on your date.
  • Make a bucket list of all the things you want to do together after the end of the current crisis.

There are many other things you can do as well, which I haven’t discussed above.

I just wanted to share five quick tips to make your “date” more unique.

Advantage #3 of Dating Locally: Supporting Your Local Community

Suppose you choose to keep your dating locally. In that case, an added benefit is that you can support the local community by buying things from your local bakery or your favorite takeaway restaurant if they are still open.

By doing so, you will support your local community while still following the laws and regulations.

make her crave you

Advantage #4 of Dating Locally: The Silver-Lining of Social Distancing

There is a silver lining to the whole social distancing that you might not have thought about.

By keeping your dating restricted to your phones and social media, you will put a lot of physical distance between you and your date, but this gives you a lot of time to create psychological intimacy.

Video or texting is the best way to create psychological or mental intimacy.

When you text someone, you should always focus on sending texts that create emotions and send a text back to you to return the favor.

Here are the best texts to send to a girl or woman to create emotions.

If you’re a woman, you will find the best texts to send to a guy you like here.

Advantage #5 of Dating Locally: Where to Start

Even if I have shared four great ways to get started above, you might still be confused or wondering where to start.

Where do you begin if you do everything you’re supposed to do?

That isn’t as hard as you might think right now since there are three places where you can get started that will not cost you anything upfront:

  1. Dating apps
  2. Dating sites
  3. Social media

I have covered all of them in different articles on this blog.

The article covers my recommended way to start dating online in the age of social distancing.

The 5 Benefits of Dating Locally

Above I have covered the five benefits of dating locally.

The information I share with you is completely biased since I have written it.

All information in this article is provided as-is and is pure entertainment.

Now, more than ever, dating will go digital worldwide since humanity is forced to do it out of necessity.

As you see, I put a lot of emphasis on video initially.

I have used it a lot on my dating, and it works.

I have found that it helps me now and makes it feel like I am seeing that person in real life.

But that is only my own experience, of course.

You might have a different experience, and what works for me might not work for you.

I wanted to share my own experience with you in this article.

My next article will be completely different from this one, but I can guarantee that it will contain valuable information.

Take care and stay safe,


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